Origins of The Source magazine The Source is a United States-based, monthly full- color magazine covering hip-hop music, politics, and culture, founded in It is the world's second longest running rap periodical, behind United Kingdom-based publication Hip Hop Connection. The Source was founded as a newsletter in The current president of the publication is Jeremy Miller From humble beginnings, the Source had grown into one of the largest and most influential hip-hop publications in the United States. It had even grown to the point of being called "The Bible of Hip-Hop”
Origins of XXL magazine XXL is a Hip-Hop magazine, published by Harris Publications. In 1997, XXL was founded by a former Source staffer as well as others who wanted to create their own magazine based on the hip- hop music and culture genre developed by the founders of The Source. The magazine's past editors included Elliott Wilson (formerly of Ego Trip Magazine and The Source)and Datwon Thomas (former Editor- In-Chief of King Magazine). In December 2006, XXL took over the Hip-Hop producer and DJ magazine Scratch (another publication owned by Harris Publications), re-branding it as "XXL Presents Scratch Magazine". Scratch shut down in September Other titles with limited runs have been launched under the XXL brand, including Hip-Hop Soul, Eye Candy and Shade45.
The history of The Source magazine The Source was started originally by David Mays and Jon Shecter while they both attended Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts The two were once radio disc jockeys and hosted Street Beat on Harvard's student-run radio station WHRB. Mays and Shecter, both white men, were influenced by hip-hop and wanted to give praise by devoting coverage to the rising music genre The Source originally started as a concert newsletter, but its popularity grew after it scored an interview with LL Cool J. The Source was now growing from a small newsletter to a mainstream magazine. Mays and Shecter decided to hire their college friends James Benard (as senior editor) and Ed Young (as associate publisher), and the four men immediately became equal shareholders in the ownership of the magazine. At the time, Mays handled duties as the publisher for the magazine, and Shecter was the editor-in-chief. The Source was moved from Massachusetts to New York City in 1990, a move that was made with the intention to expand the magazine into a mainstream market. The Source soon became the most respected name in hip-hop journalism. The magazine featured cover stories on the crack/cocaine epidemic, police brutality, and New York's investigations of high- profile rappers. The magazine also included many notable features, including the famous Unsigned Hype. The publication has over eight million subscribers worldwide, and remains one of the most popular hip-hop magazines in the world. In their August 2008 issue The Source made an endorsement of presidential candidate Barack Obama, saying "Sen. Barack Obama may be one of the most dynamic figures in the history of American electoral politics."
The editorial style of the magazine The language in both magazine XXL & THE SOURCE is very formal because it targets a younger audience so therefore this formal language will appeal to us more! As these magazines cover hip-hop they language needs to be ‘street’ and ‘cool’ so it can be up to date and easily understandable by its aimed audience However the magazine does deal with politics but it will come across in a more friendly manor than other magazines
The editorial style of the magazine Photography in both magazines is very ‘in your face’ meaning that all of its images are mainly close ups or mid shots, this makes the magazine stand out... In addition because they are hip-hop magazines the images have to be cool and maintain the ‘gangster’ look. The main cover is of a high class artist to indicate this magazine is serious and up high!
The editorial style of the magazine layout design in both magazines are very similar in the colour options of colour they use on the magazine name. Both magazines use RED or WHITE or mix of both to make the name stand out extremely In addition the Mask head usually goes with the colour of the artist cloths, like the picture above the writing is black with white background identical to Lil Wayne shirt... The sell lines are mainly of artist names which will feature in the article, the more famous the artist the more of a chance a magazine is sold!
The genre of the magazine Both magazine target the hip-hop genre but also affiliate with rap. The main artist that feature in the articles are non other than hip-hop finest ; Lil Wayne, Jay z, Eminem, 50cent, ice cube, T.I, The Game, Skull gang, Nas, Pdiddy, Snoop Dog, Dr Dre, Biggie, 2pac, rev run, Jadakiss, Soulja boy and many more!
Its target audience who are the demographic?
Its target audience how does it attract them?
The publishing house that publishers the mag! who are they what else do they publish
Website how much of the website features in the mag? is it similar in style and content?