October 6, 2007 Atlanta, Georgia USA
Agenda Welcome Remarks Greg Balestrero Case Study: Siemens Corporation Facilitated Discussion Groups Share and discuss with peers some of the most critical questions organizations of similar project management maturity face when implementing OPM3 Panel of Experts
Welcome Remarks PMI Worldwide has currently 82 OPM3 Certified Professionals OPM3 is all about organizational self awareness Project management is about throughput and results as it relates to innovation Integration of process and product development with project management at DHL Note: PMI moving from an individual focus to an organizational focus and what is the ROI from investing in PM
Siemens Case Study Siemens began assessing its maturity in PM in 1992 and implemented its own Maturity in Project Management (MPM) model in 2002 Today MPM is in its 3 rd revision Since the launch of OPM3 in 2003, Siemens has considered the incorporation of the organizational project management best practice model into its MPM protocol Presentation describes Siemens pilot utilization of OPM3 in conjunction with its own MPM assessment protocol and results and conclusions they have reached to date
Siemens Case Study Initiative driven via the Center for Innovation and Project Management Worldwide Constitutes a team of 10 individuals Infrastructure wise it is a part of Corporate Technology Siemens is a product based engineering organization MPM is a key part of their management commitment So far they have conducted 140 assessments
Siemens Case Study In immature organizations the practice is usually higher A Level 3 organization is considered good MPM assessment came out in 2002 and OPM3 was reviewed by Siemens in 2004 and 2007 It is important to remember to not focus on the level! If you have a standard process and you are not measuring it You cannot ignore the upper level even if you are not there yet
Siemens Case Study Siemens does use extensions of the PMBOK such as Construction, Medical etc., If you can’t standardize and measure then there are a lot of other tools that you cannot measure! OPM3 is a business change process implementation and doing this is a program The 2008 update will contain the current version of the PMBOK and will also enhance both program and portfolio assessment
Siemens Case Study OPM3 provides gaps and recommendations Siemens assists with the organizational change Siemens is asking business units to identify their critical KPI’s ( benefits) and that is how they are measuring the value of OPM3 OPM3 indirectly ties into their Toyota system
Facilitated Discussion Groups Initiating, planning and selling OPM3 in a less mature organization Conducting an OPM3 assessment in a less mature organization Implementing change base on the results of an OPM3 assessment in a less mature organization Initiating, planning and selling OPM3 in a more mature organization Conducting an OPM3 assessment in a more mature organization Implementing change base on the results of an OPM3 assessment in a more mature organization
Fourth Annual OPM3 ® Users’ Forum Breakout Group Report Back
GROUP 1: Initiating, Planning & Selling OPM3 in a LESS mature organization Point 1: Informing & educating decision makers Point 2: Understand key strategic objectives – at least one driver Point 3: Understand organizational culture Point 4: Address OPM3 as a project including who should be involved & defining the scope of assessment Point 5: Understand expectations
GROUP 2: Conducting an OPM3 Assessment in a LESS mature organization Point 1: Need senior management support Point 2: Provide purpose/goals of assessment Point 3: Assessor credibility and trust Point 4: Sense of ownership Point 5: 2 step documentation process (interview & documentation)
GROUP 3: Implementing Change Based on OPM3 Assessment in a LESS mature organization Point 1: Alignment of improvement program – align to the goals of the organization Point 2: The organizational capacity to manage the change Point 3: Champion/sponsor Point 4: Effective communication plan Point 5: Listening
GROUP 4: Initiating, Planning & Selling OPM3 in a MORE mature organization Point 1:“What is it?” Defined in 1 sentence with no big words Point 2: Link to strategic goals/ identify & alleviate pains (pains: losing $, confusion/coordination, culture shift, gap analysis) Point 3:Positioning OPM3 – need to compare to other tools: six sigma, ISO, CMM Point 4:Benchmarking – data needed to show 1)results of improving w/assessment (ROI) and 2) compare to competitiors Point 5:Who should assess?: internal v. external (are internal fully utilized? Do external bring objectivity & experience?); stakeholder analysis Point 6: Build on existing process management/improvement Pilot: early success, provide it works, lessons learnt
Point 1: Sponsorship, Endorsement Point 2: Communication/ Education Point 3: Select a Way to Gather Data Point 4: Who’s Involved? GROUP 5: Conducting an OPM3 Assessment in a MORE mature organization
Point 1: Change management based on culture Point 2: Prioritize criteria (cost/benefit, ROI...) Point 3: Communication Point 4: Define a Process for Implementation Point 5: Measurements!!! GROUP 6: Implementing Change Based on OPM3 Assessment in a MORE mature organization
OPM3 Panel Product Suite mechanizes the assessment process plus provides inter rater reliability Tip: Do not discount the online version for use in less mature organizations RE: cost OPM3 is based on PMBOK 2000 OPM3 single practitioner on line version How to use it without being prescriptive
OPM3 Panel Product Suite includes analysis of what best practices are in place Best practice assessment vs. capability assessment Product Suite has a range of questions More discrete data (NOT binary in nature) Note: Comments from certified OPM3 assessors