Aufg_2 Process data communication with the MV4-Touch Panel WorksheetA85_201 Recipe handling: Expand your project with a recipe entry. First define the tags r_val1... r_val8. Assign the tags to the new block RecipeBlk1. The PLC start address for the tag r_Val1 is %MW Assign the “Control“ block to the PLC address %MW Assign the “Status“ block to the PLC address %MW Add a new mask to your project. Edit the recipe button with the recipe object name “Recipes“. Edit “5“ recipe entries. Assign the recipe block „RecipeBlk1“ (--> Tab „Recipe Blocks“) Compile the project and test it in the MV4. Note: The recipe data have to be downloaded with the project !!! (check box „Include Recipe Data „) After the download to the PCMCIA Card open the file “Recipes.TAB“ with EXCEL ® and edit the recipes as shown below. Recipe-Handling Back to Startmask Recipes
Aufg_2 Process data communication with the MV4-Touch Panel WorksheetA85_202 Recipe handling: The different recipe entries should be changeable by a „Value Entry“. Expand your mask as shown below.
Aufg_2 Process data communication with the MV4-Touch Panel WorksheetA85_203 Password settings: Expand your project with passwords. Define two users. Each user has his own Password and his own Level. e.g.:UsernameLevelPasswordAccess-Variable Peter 0 P0 PWLevel0 Ralf 1 R1 PWLevel1 A mask change from mask1 to mask4 (Recipes) is only possible after a user login of „Peter“ or „Ralf“. Changing of the recipes in mask4 is only possible in Level 0. Define an automatic logout after 1 min. Note: The Password DATA has to be downloaded with the project !!! (check-box „Include Password Data „) Passwords are case sensitive !!
Aufg_2 Process data communication with the MV4-Touch Panel WorksheetA85_204 Error - Warning - Message: Add a new mask to your project (mask5). Insert an error window in this mask and configure the error window as shown below. Define 12 „error bits“ and assign them to 3 blocks with 4 errors, 4 warnings and 4 messages. Define a short text for every error, warning and message. Assign the block to the following PLC addresses : Error startbit%M Warning startbit%M Message startbit%M Also add function keys to this mask for : Confirm All, Show History, Clear History, Error Line Up, Error Line Down
Aufg_2 Process data communication with the MV4-Touch Panel WorksheetA85_205 Help Window / Function-Key „ERROR HELP“: Expand your project (mask5) with a Help-Window and a Function-Key „Error Help“. The Help-Window should appear, if the Error Help - button is pressed. Additionally edit a help hext for each error diplayed in the Help Window. The help text will be displayed after selecting the error message in the error window. Display of the Error-Help-Texts
Aufg_2 Process data communication with the MV4-Touch Panel WorksheetA85_206 Language Selection: Add a new mask (mask6) to your project. Define two function keys for the language selection between „English“ and your mother tongue. Define this second project language and edit it in the Galileo-Workshop.Translate the existing texts into your mother tongue. Your mother tongue
Aufg_2 Process data communication with the MV4-Touch Panel WorksheetA85_207 Function Keys: Add to your mask „System Settings“: Set Date and Time Daylight Saving Time (DST) On/Off Brightness Activate the screen saver after 1 min. for all masks. DST ON/OFF