Copyright Infringement Committing copyright infringement could lead to a very angry client and very angry designer (of the original work). 1
Copyright Infringement Committing copyright infringement could also lead to legal charges. T he sentence for a first-time offender is a fine up to $500,000 or imprisonment for up to 5 years or both. 2
Copyright Infringement It is still considered copyright infringement even if you give the owner credit. The only way to avoid committing copyright infringement is to receive the copyright owners permission (in writing) prior to using the work. 3
Copyright Do’s and Don’ts You cannot copy or borrow an existing website’s images, text, logos, music, scripts, applications or even code. You cannot copy an existing website’s exact look but you can create a similar look. You cannot provide a link from your Web site to another site without permission because such a link implies a business relationship. You cannot translate the content of an existing website. 4
Avoid Copyright Infringement To avoid committing copyright infringement when creating a website you have a few options: – Request permission to use copyrighted text, photographs or graphics. – Use licensed or public domain text, photographs or graphics. – Use your clients original text, photographs or graphics. – Create original text, photographs or graphics yourself. 5