Hilda Herrera Dr. Wilson 10 October 2010
Copyright Defined: The exclusive right to make copies, license, and otherwise exploit a literary, musical, or artistic work, whether printed, audio, video, etc.: works granted such right by law on or after January 1, 1978, are protected for the lifetime of the author or creator.
Purpose of CopyRight To protect the work of authors
CopyRight Infringement Define: It is the unauthorized or prohibited use of works under copyright It is “Piracy” which is illegal & unethical The penalty for piracy: the copyright owner can file copyright infringement litigation immediately on discovering the unauthorized use of copyrighted material.
Fair Use Defined: Is a copyright principle that allows limited use of copyrighted material without requiring permission from the rights holders. The public/students are entitled to freely use portions of copyrighted materials for purposes of critiquing or quoting the journalist’s work.
Copyright Infringement for Teachers ml ml Make only1copy: chapter from a book, news paper article,a short poem, essay, or story The amount of material to be copied: one illustration per periodical or book, 10 percent of a prose work up to 1,000 words, and 250 words from a poem, cannot exceed the number of students in her class. It is prohibited to copy standardized tests or work books.
Copyright Infringement for Students Copying must not be a replacement for paying for the original work
Copyright Infringement for students The guidelines for including work that is done by other people in your own presentation, report, or movie: Writing from a book, magazine, etc.--Up to 1000 words, but not more than 10% of the book or article Poems--Up to 250 words (or the entire poem if it is less than 250 words). No more than 3 poems by the same poet and no more than 5 poems from a collection of poetry Photographs or drawings--Up to 5 graphics or photos from the same person. No more than 15 images from the same collection, and images can not be changed Video--Up to 3 minutes but no more than 10% of the entire video. The video clip may not be changed in any way. Music--Up to 30 seconds but no more than 10% of sheet music. Up to 30 seconds but no more than 10% of a recording. The music can not be changed in any major way. Giving credit to your source--An opening screen of a presentation must indicate that it follows the "fair use" rules of the U.S. Copyright law. Copyright information for all items used must be included in a bibliography.
Copyright Presentation Grading Criteria10 Points5 Points0 Points Copyright Infringement Content Infringement is defined and explained in within the classroom setting. There is mention of infringement but it is not explained in the classroom context. No definition or explanation. Fair UseFair Use is detailed and the terms are explained. Fair Use is defined but the exact detail are left out. No mention of Fair Use. Copyright Infringement for Students Copyright is related to students and their project/products and guidelines are discussed. Copyright is related to students but guidelines are missing. There are no discussions related to student copyright guidelines