Academic Dishonesty
All MHS students must abide by the STPSB Plagiarism Policy XIV. Plagiarism and Copyright Infringement (from the STPSB Student Handbook) Students shall not plagiarize works that they find on the Internet. Plagiarism is taking the ideas or writings of others and presenting them as if they were original to the student. Students shall be subject to disciplinary action and punitive academic measures if they plagiarize the work of others. Students shall respect the rights of copyright owners. Copyright infringement occurs when an individual inappropriately reproduces a work that is protected by a copyright. If a work contains language that specifies acceptable use of that work, the student should follow the expressed requirements. If the student is unsure whether or not they can use a work, s/he should request permission from the copyright owner. Students shall not download or install copyrighted software from any source on any school computer.
LA Tech Honor Code Students who are dual-enrolled for HONORS World History are also subject to LA Tech’s plagiarism policies. code.pdf code.pdf
LSU Plagiarism Policies academic-integrity academic-integrity
LSU Academic Misconduct ments/Code%20of%20Student%20Conduct%2 0August%2009_0.pdf ments/Code%20of%20Student%20Conduct%2 0August%2009_0.pdf
LSU Paraphrasing Policies
University examples of consequences for acts of plagiarism may include: 1. Assignment-specific penalties: a. Point deductions b. Letter grade deductions c. Redoing/resubmitting the same assignment d. Preparing an alternate assignment e. Failing grade on the assignment 2. Course-specific penalties a. Letter grade deduction in the course b. Failing grade in the course c. Requirement to successfully complete a remediation workshop on plagiarism 3. University penalties a. Restrictions in student privileges (e.g., participation in student organizations and/or athletic teams) b. Reprimand and probation c. Suspension d. Expulsion
Plagiarism in the Workplace tin-and-plagiarismadviceorg-announce-6th- international-integrity-and-plagiarism- conference tin-and-plagiarismadviceorg-announce-6th- international-integrity-and-plagiarism- conference