„Moderné vzdelávanie pre vedomostnú spoločnosť/Projekt je spolufinancovaný zo zdrojov EÚ“ Inovácia obsahu a metód vzdelávania prispôsobená potrebám vedomostnej spoločnosti Drawing (the visual elements, types, subject matters) ART TECHNIQUES VYPRACOVAL: Mgr. VLADISLAV KRAVEC, jún 2014
CONTENT The visual elements of drawing Types of drawing Subject matters
The visual elements the visual element(s) (noun) syn.: formal elements: the building blocks of art and design 1. Line – the most importatnt element of drawing 2.Dot 3.Space and light
Line Gestural line -quick or strong visual expression -captures impression of moment and movement -used for sketching purposes
Line Continuous line -constructive, fluent with no end -quick but neat impression of structure -reminding wire construction
Line Directional line -showing direction of movement of drawn object - leads the viewer to see what you want him to see -used for optical illusions in drawing (known from Op-Art movement)
Line Outline or contour -defines the edges of drawn object -influences the illusion of space e.g. realistic drawing has variety of outline thickness, while cartoon drawing has usually a bold contour
Dot Dot -less used for its time consuming application but quite effective especially in observational drawings -photographic effects can be achieved
Space and light Space and light -illusion of 3rd dimension in drawing through the use of tonal values -contrast -compositional division of light and dark areas
Types of drawing 1.Observational drawing (study) 2.Stylized drawing 3.Idealized drawing 4.Cartoon drawing 5.Drawing from primary or secondary sources
Types of drawing
Subject matters life drawing – figure (human, animal) still-life drawing (objects)
Subject matters landscape drawing abstract drawing
Sources painting-figurative-instensive.htmlhttp://ryanwurmseratelier.blogspot.sk/2012/09/drawing- painting-figurative-instensive.html lesson-5-line-of.html lesson-5-line-of.html f78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/w/s/ws084-op_art_2-cv.png f78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/w/s/ws084-op_art_2-cv.png fHQBMc/UDauEEZFJMI/AAAAAAAAJMM/HuuHRoq6l_w/s1600/land scape+drawings+004.jpg fHQBMc/UDauEEZFJMI/AAAAAAAAJMM/HuuHRoq6l_w/s1600/land scape+drawings+004.jpg
techniques/portrait-drawing-demo-raynolds techniques/portrait-drawing-demo-raynolds helping-benjaman.jpg 04-helping-benjaman.jpg 16-helping-benjaman.jpg 16-helping-benjaman.jpg 2-1m-dot-drawing-to-help-man-with-amnesia-see-amazing-photos/ 2-1m-dot-drawing-to-help-man-with-amnesia-see-amazing-photos/ es/7/75/Sleeping_beauty_disney_drawing_model_sheet_2.jpg es/7/75/Sleeping_beauty_disney_drawing_model_sheet_2.jpg