Wassily Kandinsky
Kandinsky Wassily was born on December 4, 1866 in Moscow, Russia As a child he was influenced by art and music. He studied Law and Economics and worked as a professor where he had many successes. But art and music were his passions. After seeing and exhibition of French Impressionist in 1895 of Monet's work he stated “ "It was from the catalog I learned this was a haystack. I was upset I had not recognized it. I also thought the painter had no right to paint in such an imprecise fashion. Dimly I was aware too that the object did not appear in the picture..." This was ironic because Kandinsky became a very abstract and was considered a founder of Abstract Art and the Blue Riders.
Kandinsky Kandinsky decided to give up his teaching for his art and tried to incorporate his love of music in his art work. Many of his art pieces were named as musical compositions. For example Composition VIII. Kandinsky had several supporters but one famous one was Solomon Guggenheim. Who eventually started the Guggenheim Museum in New York City. Some of the famous artist Kandinsky worked along side were Klee and Marc.
Kandinsky After he move to Paris many younger artist that admire Kandinsky’s work would visit his studio. Some of these artist were: Miro, Arp, Magnelli and Sophie Tauber. Kandinsky painted up until his death in June of 1944.
Kandinsky’s Artwork Guggenheim Museum currently has an exhibit of Kandinsky. Check it out.