Impressionism, Postimpressionism, Cubism Kagan, Ch. 24
“Don’t proceed according to the rules and principles, but paint what you observe and feel.” Pissaro – changing effect of light on objects in nature Monet – interplay of light, water and atmosphere Morisot – women were not dilettantes but had a special sense of vision
More attention to form and structure Personal statement of reality Subjective reality Cezanne – underlying geometric form Van Gogh – the language of color
Picasso & Cubism – geometric design to recreate reality Kandinsky & Abstract painting – avoid representation all together, concentrate on color
Focus on folk music/melodies; nationalistic feeling Edvard Grieg – Norwegian nationalism, incidental music for Henrik Ibsen’s play Claude Debussey – music inspired by visual arts Igor Stravinsky Musical primitivism; irrational forces in sound
Tchaikovsky Rimsky-Korsakov