+ Nazi Party’s Social Policies Ms. Humes 8 th Period – Contemporary American History
+ What were the Nazi Party’s social policies? In 1935, the Nazis passed the Nuremberg Laws, which deprived Jews of German citizenship and placed severe restrictions on their freedoms. Nazis prohibited Jews from marrying non-Jews. Jews could not attend or teach at German schools or universities. Jews could not hold government jobs Jews could not practice law or medicine. Jews could not publish books. As a result, German Jews fled Germany, seeking refuge in other countries.
+ What were the Nazi Party’s social policies? Nazis aimed to purify the German culture. Nazis denounced modern art as being corrupted by the Jews. Bauhaus Art Movement (pre- Nazi) Cities: Weimar, Dessau, and Berlin Famous Artists: Wassily Kandinsky, Paul Klee Architecture & Art Nazis condemned jazz because of its African heritage. Nazis glorified old German myths, such as those created in operas of Richard Wagner.
+ What were the Nazi Party’s social policies? Nazis social policies towards religion: Hitler despised Christianity as “weak” and “flabby.” He wanted to replace religion with his racial creed. Nazis combined all Protestant sects into a single state church. Nazis closed Catholic schools and quieted (muzzled) the Catholic clergy, but some clergy did speak out against Hitler.
+ What were the Nazi Party’s social policies? November 7, 1938 A young, Jewish man, whose parents had been mistreated in Germany, shot and wounded a German diplomat in Paris. Hitler used this incident as an excuse to stage an attack on the Jews. November 9 & 10, 1938 Kristallnacht or “Night of Broken Glass” Nazi led mobs attacked Jewish communities in Germany, Austria, and annexed portions of Czechoslovakia. Leaders within Hitler’s regime were making plans for a “Final Solution” or extermination of all Jews.