“Keeping Our Promise” “We believe that supporting policies that enhance the teacher as the key provider and decision maker in reaching all students with the literacy education necessary to be successful.” IRA policy paper Dec. 2008
This is Lauren.
WHY DO WE NEED TO READ? What do we know about reading? What do you believe about reading? What has your experience helped you to understand?
Creating Readers Enduring Understandings: Being a reader is reading for a lifetime. Readers develop certain behaviors and characteristics that build community and create intimacy that supports rigor and inquiry. Good readers engage with text in many ways. There are many things that readers need in order to read well. Essential Questions: How can we develop a successful reading community in our classroom? What are the characteristics of a lifelong reader? What does a good reader need? Cornerstone Literacy Framework
Fostering Readers Our students need to be part of a classroom community of readers that fosters collaboration, independence, reflection, and encourages risk taking, discussion and questioning. This can be achieved by modeling these behaviors right from the start. Teachers must show students what will be valued in the classroom. In an intimate classroom environment, readers are interested in one another and share their thinking, they trust one another and are willing to take risks, and they feel valued and included. Students also need predictable structures and routines to make reading workshop a productive time. These readers establish habits that care for the reading environment and participate in routines that help the workshop run seamlessly. By developing and fostering this climate of intimacy right from the start, students will be more apt to tackle rigorous content with an inquiry approach throughout the year… and hopefully develop a lifelong love for reading, writing, thinking and learning! … A. Frazier and W. Seger How does this look in your classroom, grade level, school and district?
Where are we now? Core Reading Program K-2 Common lesson plan format Standards alignment Researched based instructional Strategies Guided Reading Assessment for learning(formative) Running Record CBM Implementation Universal Screening DIBELS Dynamic Indicator of Basic Early Literacy Skills RTI Tier 1 Effective First Instruction Tier 2 More intervention Tier 3 More Intervention Data driven decision making Resources Magic Penny District wide reading series Technology Professional Development Progress Monitoring TBD May 22 Guided Reading Summer Work Other
Balanced Literacy Instruction A District Vision: What do you want? In cross grade and building groups describe a balanced literacy classroom. How does it look? How does it feel? What do you need to make it happen?
Time for it all…. Guided Reading Shared Reading Read Aloud Writer’s Workshop Independent Reading
The Big 5 Phonemic Awareness Alphabetic Principle (Phonics Instruction) Fluency Instruction Vocabulary Instruction Text Comprehension Instruction National Institute for Literacy
Literacy Learning: What do good readers do? Creating Schema Inferring Imaging/Visualizing Determining Importance ( Salient Features) Questioning Synthesizing Monitoring for Meaning Ellin Keene Mosaic of Thought, To Understand