Political Geography Governments of the World
Types of Government Democracy –Citizens hold political power, either directly or through elected representatives (Ex. U.S.; Democratic Republic) Dictatorship –An individual or group holds complete political power (Ex. North Korea) Communism –Government and economic system, nearly all political power and means of production are held by the government in the name of all people Monarchy –A ruling family headed by a king or queen holds political power and may or may not share the power with citizen bodies
Democracy Advantages –People have a voice in government –Popular opinion shapes legislation Disadvantages –Popular opinion is not always what is best –Citizens sometimes lack knowledge or expertise to understand long-term repercussions of decisions
Dictatorship Advantages –Countries are usually orderly; unified Disadvantages –Order & unification usually comes by force –People have no voice; “owned” by government –Very dependent on a just dictator (extremely rare all throughout history)
Communism Advantages –In theory, everyone is equal –In theory, poverty is eliminated Disadvantages –Little motivation to work hard –Individual has little responsibility for self
Monarchy Advantages –Most monarchies now share power w/ people –Royalty is figurehead for nation to rally around & usually held in high opinion because office holds little power; they make few decisions Disadvantages –Royalty is based on birth rather than merit –Traditional position, little justification for political perks
Cooperative Learning Activity With your partner, create a poster that illustrates all four forms of government Your posters must be: –Colored –Labeled –Short description of government
Economic Geography What is economics???
Economic Geography Economic Systems –Traditional Economy –Command Economy –Market Economy –Mixed Economy
Economic Systems Traditional Economy –Goods and services are traded without exchanging money. Also called a “barter” Command Economy –Production of goods and services is determined by a central government, which usually owns the means of production. Production does not necessarily reflect the consumer demand (also called planned economy)
Economic Systems Market Economy –Production of goods and services is determined by the demand from consumers. Also called a demand economy or capitalism Mixed Economy –A combination of command and market economies provides goods and services so that all people will benefit
Cooperative Learning Activity Imagine that you and your partner are farmers. You have just harvested your wheat. What process would your crop go through in each of the economic systems? Record your conclusions and be prepared to share your answers with the class.