Federal Agencies and Regulations.  Establish in 1862  Headed by Secretary of Agriculture  Administers loans, grants-in-aid, and assists in production.


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Presentation transcript:

Federal Agencies and Regulations

 Establish in 1862  Headed by Secretary of Agriculture  Administers loans, grants-in-aid, and assists in production  Many other agencies and services work with USDA  Responsibility  Enforcement of standards of identity  Plant sanitation inspection  Veterinary inspection of meat  Grading of meat, dairy, fruit and vegetable products U.S. Department of Agriculture

Other Agencies and Services Working with USDA  Agricultural Marketing Service  Agricultural Research Service  Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service  Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service  Food Safety and Inspection Service  Farm Service Agency  Foreign Agricultural Service  National Agricultural Library  National Agricultural Statistics Service  Natural Resources Conservation Service  Risk Management Agency  Regional Aquaculture Center  Alternative Farming Systems Information Center

 Includes all U.S. military land forces under the Department of Defense  Army Corps of Engineers  Ag projects that involve the discharge of dredged or fill materials into the waters of the US, including marshes and wetlands  Construction in the navigable waters of the US must have a permit from the Army Corps of Engineers  Makes decision based on a balancing of positive and negative impacts of the project  Permit required before clearing or building in a site classified as a wetland U.S. Department of the Army

 Executive department of the U.S. government and was established in 1913  Headed by Secretary of Commerce  Supervises transportation and shipping, the census, and food and drug laws  Five offices of the Dept. of Commerce has a role in aquaculture U.S. Department of Commerce

 Helps alleviate conditions of substantial and persistent unemployment and underemployment in economically distressed areas and regions of the nation  EDA can consider funding aquaculture projects that meet the agency’s regulations, applicant eligibility requirements, and project selection criteria 1. Economic Development Administration

 Four informational programs for aquaculture are sponsored by NESDIS and NOAA 1.The Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS): computerized system operated and maintained by UN agencies and a network of information centers in member countries  ASFIS is the Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts (ASFA) database  Database covers international aquaculture and other topics in the marine and freshwater environmental sciences 2. National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information Service/ National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

2. National Environmental Data Referral Service (NEDRES)  On-line database containing over 22,000 descriptions and locations of data files on the environmental sciences held by people and organizations in the US and Canada 2. NESDIS/ NOAA

3. The NOAA Earth System Data Directory (NESDD)  On-line guide to about 700 environmental data sets held by NOAA  NESDD provides data to NOAA centers and other organizational components  Provides the research community with the means to locate NOAA data 2. NESDIS/ NOAA

4. NOAA Library and Information Network  Central library in Rockville, Maryland, major branches in Miami and Seattle  Laboratory and information centers throughout the US  Collections encompass more than one million volumes on marine and atmospheric sciences, aquaculture and environmental disciplines 2. NESDIS/ NOAA

 National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)  National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)  Manages common property resources and contributing to the restoration and protection of endangered species of stocks  NMFS distributes aquaculture-related information and technological advances gained from its fisheries research 3. National Marine Fisheries Service/ National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

 NMFS cooperated with federal and state agencies, international bodies and foreign governments to develop and expand the markets for US aquaculture  Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP)  Comprehensive quality inspection program for fish and seafood production companies  Developed criteria for acceptance and identifies any corrective actions needed 3. National Marine Fisheries Service/ National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

 Conducts research, extension and educational programs with universities in all coastal and Great Lakes states  Genetics, biotechnology, endocrinology, physiology, pathology, engineering, nutrition, policy economics and others focused  30 Sea Grant programs in the coastal and Great Lakes States 4. National Sea Grant College Program. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

 NTIS  Central source for the archiving and public sale of U.S. government-sponsored research and development reports in all subjects 5. National Technical Information Service

 Established 1977  Headed by Secretary of Energy  Controls energy use, research and radioactive waste material  National Biofuels  Solar Energy Research Institute conduct aquatic species research to develop technology base for production of liquid fuels from mass culture of microalgae  Supports fundamental research of genetics, lipid physiology, lipid biochemistry U.S. Department of Energy

 Established 1979  Headed by Secretary of Health and Human Services  Administers social security and other welfare services, and supervises public health  Food and Drug Administration is part of this department U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

 Primary federal office with responsibility for the assurance of seafood safety  Many programs devoted to research and management of seafood  Derives authority through Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA) and the Public Health Service Act (PHSA)  FFDCA: ensure that seafood is shipped or received in interstate commerce is ‘safe, wholesome and not misbranded or deceptively packaged’  PHSA: control the spread of communicable disease from one state, territory or possession to another Food and Drug Administration Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition

 CVM is responsible for the regulation of animal drugs, animal feeds, and veterinary medical devices  Four major areas in aquaculture 1.Approval of Animal Drugs and Feeds 2.Oversight of Drug Distribution and Use 3.Research 4.Educational Initiatives Food and Drug Administration, Center for Veterinary Medicine

 Established in 1849  Headed by Secretary of the Interior  Includes the Bureau of Indian Affairs and agencies for the conservation of natural resources and supervision of power projects  U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service  U.S. Geological Survey U.S. Department of the Interior

 FWS restores depleted fish populations, preserves endangered species, moderates the impacts of federal water developments on fish populations, manages fish resources on federal lands, and provides scientific leadership in fishery resource management  Many different facilities including hatcheries, fisheries, health centers and more  Encourage the development of private aquaculture in a manner that is compatible with responsible natural resource stewardship  Make service expertise, knowledge, and technical/scientific capabilities in fish culture and related disciplines available to the private aquaculture community U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

 USGS collects a large amount of information on the availability and quality of ground water and surface water supplies  Information such as pollutant levels, aquifer locations, lake levels, stream flows and other data useful to aquaculture is available from the USGS in a variety of forms U.S. Geological Survey

 AID  Supports aquaculture research and development projects where significant opportunities exist to use this form of food production to increase incomes and employment opportunities in developing countries  Supports applied research U.S. Agency for International Development

 EPA  Clean Water Act of 1972 designates fish hatcheries and farms as point sources of pollution of waters receiving their discharges  Each state issues permits and monitors effluents from fish- raising facilities  National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) issues permits for the discharge of wastewaters to surface waters, including discharges from aquaculture systems U.S. Environmental Protection Agency