Public Buildings Night April 10,2014
Summary Over $70 million of building projects 6 new buildings 7 renovations or additions
Crawford Yard Renovation/Addition of yard at Crawford and Tecumseh Demolition of yard at Pillette and Adstoll $500,000
Various Renovations Willistead Manor Roofing Project – Donation received from the community of $54k Repairs to Coach House Copper eaves trough replacement
Various Renovations Willistead Manor Improved park accessibility Repair drainage around manor
Oakwood Community Centre Community centre owned by school board Must transition out Options: addition to South Windsor Arena or renovate another location $1.8 Million
Emergency Operations Centre Replace existing centre at Goyeau Fire station which is limited Need for backup power, better technology access Options: new build or renovation $1.5 Million
Art Gallery Renovation of first floor Art Gallery to house Museum and improve cultural hub Renovation of Baby House $3.402 Million
Libraries Addition to Optimist Community centre Renovation to Budimir Library $ 7.0 million
Libraries Complete renovation of Mill and Sandwich old fire station Move into Devonshire Mall location $ 7.0 million
2 Fire Halls Chandler and Milloy Daytona and Northwood $9.0 million
Fed Ex Project at Airport 3 new buildings totalling 72,000 sq. ft. $15.0 Million
New City Hall Constructed next to old City Hall $34.7 Million
New City Hall Rejected designs
Thank You