UOW Early Entry Program 2009
Key changes to EE in 2009 Single online application form for all faculties except Creative Arts earlyentry.uow.edu.au Creative Arts applicants directed to Request for Interview form on Creative Arts homepage No portfolios or certified copies required at application, these are to be provided at interview Single telephone referee only – we are requesting that this be a personal or work referee, not a school referee
Key changes to EE in 2009 Maximum of 9 degrees can be applied to for Early Entry consideration Results for years 10, 11 and 12 to be provided New disclaimer introduced to all offer letters advising students that should their HSC results/UAI be significantly different to the results presented in their application UOW reserve the right to re-interview the student to discuss their results. In this instance the offer may be honoured or withdrawn, with an alternative path of study offered.
How do EE offers work through UAC EE works through the UAC preference system, students still need to apply through UAC for offer to be activated The offer needs to be the student’s highest eligible preference to be activated Students do not need to accept an EE offer direct to UOW It is NOT a legal contract – i.e. students don’t HAVE to accept the offer. Please advise students that this is not the only way to get into UOW now – can still apply through UAC as usual
When will the students find out? Students will be notified in writing with the outcome of their application during the October School Holidays just prior to starting their HSC Exams Students applying to the Faculty of Creative Arts will attend interview or audition following the HSC exams and will learn the outcome of their Creative Arts EE application in late December
What do the offers mean? A Guaranteed Offer means regardless of the HSC results or UAI, the student has a place in the course* A Conditional Offer means that if the student meets one or more specified conditions, they will have a place in the course Unsuccessful means that the student is not being made an Early Entry offer, but they can still apply to for the degree through the regular UAC process Ineligible means that the faculty are unable to assess the students application as they are not currently undertaking subjects that form part of the EE process criteria for the faculty
Important Dates 1 st July: Online registration opens earlyentry.uow.edu.au 28 th Aug: EE applications to Faculty of Law close 18 th Sept: EE applications for all other faculties close WC 28 th Sept: Interviews/Info Days held at UOW 30 th Sept: UAC, Scholarships & Dean’s Scholars applications close October: EE offers sent before the HSC begins! November: Creative Arts Interviews/Auditions December: Creative Arts Offers Sent
What students need to apply: Standard personal and contact details MUST have their HSC applicant number Year 10 School Certificate Results – English, Maths & Science Year 11 Yearly Exam Results Year 12 Half Yearly Exam Results Year 12 Trial HSC Results Application requests exam mark and band/rank for all results
What students need to apply: CV – online application includes a CV builder prompting responses from applicants For each separate degree applied for, students will need to briefly explain their decision to pursue the selected degree and what they will bring to the degree and their future career aspirations At interview students will need to provide proof of the results provided (certified copies) and demonstrate their