Elizabeth Burgos Resource Teacher for the Gifted Resource Teacher for the Gifted on Twitter on Twitter
Silent Launch Expectations This activity should be… Silent Independent Work until I say stop Be ready to share your answersExpectations This activity should be… Silent Independent Work until I say stop Be ready to share your answers Respond to this question: Do you think people are born smart or they work to get smart? Why? Take a stand!
“Call it what you like: discipline, determination, perseverance, the force of will. Even apart from his saying so, I knew that it had made all the difference in my life. If only I could bottle it, I’d share it with every kid in America. But where does it come from?” Sonia Sotomayor from My Beloved Life
INTELLIGENCE is a LEARNED quality and can be cultivated Psychologists studying creative geniuses find most IMPORTANT factor in creative achievement - willingness to put in a tremendous HARD WORK and to sustain this effort in the face of CHALLENGES!
Developing Growth Mindsets Increases Capacity for Challenge: Resilience & Autonomous Learners
COLLABORATION FOR Responsive DIFFERENTIATION Classroom Teacher Resource Teacher for Gifted Student
PLANNING AND PREPARATION INSTRUCTION Pre-assessment - Flexible grouping Compacting CLASSROOM ENVIRONMENT Tiered lessons, Anchor activities, classroom configuration PLANNING AND PREPARATION CLTs What will we do to extend and enrich the learning opportunities for students who have achieved proficiency? PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES Professional development opportunities Student Growth Creative Critical Thinking Questioning Independence
Independent Reading Literature Circles Questioning Socratic Seminar Nanowrimo Wordmasters
Continental Math League Math Olympiad Math Counts Pi Day Stock Market Game Investwrite Contest
Science Fair Earth Force Energy Debates Anchor – Station Activities
VJAS VJAS Virginia Junior Academy of Science Research Symposium Virginia Junior Academy of Science Research Symposium ( 7-12 grades)
Performance Assessment Tests Performance Assessment Tests Geography Bee Geography Bee Decades Day Decades Day Anchor Activities Anchor Activities
7 th grade Hornets created History Day Projects
Visual & Performing Arts Opportunities to audition for Honors Chorus, Band and Orchestra Scholastic Arts Awards Concert Performances
Parents Mindset by Carol Dweck Creating Innovators by Tony Wagner Inspiring Middle School Minds: Gifted, Creative & Challenging by Judy Willis Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goldman
Parent Resources Virginia Association for the Gifted (VAG) National Association for the Gifted (NAGC) – – NAGC National Conference – Baltimore, MD – – NAGC Parent Day – Saturday, November 15 Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted (SENG)
Getting Connected: APS Gifted Services Sign up Twitter APS Gifted Services Website Cheryl McCullough, Supervisor, Gifted Services at or
Exit Cards: Exit Cards: Please write the question, your name/your student’s name, your phone number or , and the best time for me to contact you. Please write the question, your name/your student’s name, your phone number or , and the best time for me to contact you. THANKS FOR COMING!!!