Honor choir is a select group of students chosen through closed auditions. These auditions will take place in the music room after school Wednesday, August 29.
Auditions will be in order of the student’s arrival. After auditions you may pick up your child at the middle south door by the library (Students will have access to a phone to call when finished/auditions should be done no later than 4:30)
The results of the audition will be posted on the music room door Friday, September 7. At the audition your child will need to sing “My Country Tis of Thee”.
Dues for Honor choir are $35 which is NONREFUNDABLE under any circumstance. Dues need to be paid by the first rehearsal (September 19*) in order to participate in Honor Choir.
Each member will be responsible for providing their costumes for the Christmas production. Ms. Arnold will give specifics at a later time.
Dues include: Choir t-shirt$10 Conference Choir registration and meal- $10 Music/Transportation Fee-$15 (For those members chosen to be a part of the Special Honor Choir in Warrensburg a $10 registration fee will be due closer to time of the event)
For your benefit, I am requiring that each Honor Choir member’s parent(s) have a current, frequently checked e- mail for communication. Since I do not see Honor Choir every day for rehearsal communication is a must.
Rehearsals for honor choir will be every Monday and Wednesday after school till 4:30. Attendance at rehearsals, performances and special activities are required. Our first rehearsal will be September 19 after school till 4:30. Please pick up your child at the exterior music room door promptly at 4:30.
If a student has more than 3 unexcused absences per semester they will be asked to step away from the group. An unexcused absence is when you are not at a rehearsal or event and there has been no communication with Ms. Arnold.
Every person is important!! Please keep in mind that you have been chosen over someone else. 100% participation from September through to March 19 is so important. You are taking the spot of someone who would love to be in Honor Choir, please don’t take that lightly!
All performances are required. If you see that there are multiple events that you cannot attend it would be in your student’s best interest to not be a part of the group. If you have conflicts with events please make them known to Ms. Arnold ASAP.
August 29-Honor Choir Auditions- after school –Music RM September 7-Honor Choir list posted September 19-First Rehearsal- after school to 4:30 (Kick-off Party) December 3-Christmas Caroling 5:30-8:00 (Pizza Party) December 10-Dress Rehearsal-HS Auditorium- 3:30-7:00 December 11-Dress Rehearsal-HS Auditorium- 3:30-7:00 December 13-Christmas Show- 7 p.m. – HS Auditorium- Call Time 6:15
January 9Resume regular rehearsal March 9WCMMEA Honor Choir- (select students only)Warrensburg March 7Conference Choir- Concert 6 p.m. (Butler Hosts) March 11End of the year celebration (The rehearsal after conference choir will be the last time we meet.)
I, ___________________________________, (students name) understand my responsibility and obligation if I am chosen to be apart of the 5th and 6th Grade honor Choir at Butler Elementary. I will attend all of the rehearsals unless I am absent from school for an emergency or sickness. I understand that if I have more than 3 unexcused absences I will no longer be apart of the group. I commit to be at every performance unless I am sick and have contacted Ms. Arnold to get the absence approved and understand that they are not optional. ____________________________________________________________________ (Parent Signature) ___________________________________________________________________ (Student Signature) Date ___________________________ Shirt Size_________ ___Adult ___Child