Formatting APA Research Paper
4 major sections Title Page Abstract Main Body References
Title Page the title of the paper author's name name of the institution all centered midway from top of page
Spacing double-spaced 1" margins on all sides 12 pt. Times New Roman font
Adjust Spacing and Font
Running Header Includes title and page number, starting on page 1. On the first page only, the running head is also preceded by the words “Running head:” On all other pages, just the running head itself and the page number appear, without the words “Running head:”.
Header &Footer Tools
Insert Running Header
Tab to Margin to Insert Page # in Current Position
Erase “Running head” on 2 nd Page
References the citation in paper is made in brackets or parenthesis the Reference List appears at the end of the paper on a new page separate from the text of the essay
Reference Page Without Header At end of paper, insert “Section Break, next page”
To Remove Header Click “Link to Previous” to unlink sections. Erase header
Reference List Uses Hanging Indent