APA Style Papers All of the papers for this class are expected to be written in this manner
Parts of the Paper TitleTitle AbstractAbstract IntroductionIntroduction MethodMethod ResultsResults DiscussionDiscussion ReferencesReferences
Title Page The title of your paper should give the reader a complete idea about your studyThe title of your paper should give the reader a complete idea about your study The title should be wordsThe title should be words The byline should reflect the institution where the work was conductedThe byline should reflect the institution where the work was conducted The running head should be on the title page as well as in the top right corner of every pageThe running head should be on the title page as well as in the top right corner of every page
Abstract The abstract should be no more than 120 wordsThe abstract should be no more than 120 words This should give the reader a synopsis of the study – background, method, results, etcThis should give the reader a synopsis of the study – background, method, results, etc Tip: Write this part LAST!!Tip: Write this part LAST!!
Introduction Why are you doing this study??Why are you doing this study?? Why is this problem important?Why is this problem important? Must cite previous research to answer this questionMust cite previous research to answer this question How do the hypothesis and the experimental design relate to the problem? Are you replicating a study or expanding on a previous finding?Are you replicating a study or expanding on a previous finding? Hypotheses should be clearly stated… “the present study…”Hypotheses should be clearly stated… “the present study…”
Method Describes in detail how the research was conductedDescribes in detail how the research was conducted Should have subheadingsShould have subheadings –Participants or Subjects –Apparatus or Materials –Procedure All of the information needed in case someone tries to replicateAll of the information needed in case someone tries to replicate Very specific stepsVery specific steps
Results Summarizes the data collectedSummarizes the data collected Mention all results, even those that counter the hypothesisMention all results, even those that counter the hypothesis Include Tables and FiguresInclude Tables and Figures –Refer to all of these in the text –Make sure these are accurately labeled Statistical PresentationStatistical Presentation –You can report statistical significance, but do not discuss the implications of the results Should report statistical significance, statistical power, effect size, and confidence intervalsShould report statistical significance, statistical power, effect size, and confidence intervals
Discussion Defend your choice of problemDefend your choice of problem –Why was this problem important to investigate? Levels of analysis: How can the findings be linked to phenomena at more complex levels? Application and Synthesis: Are the findings valid and replicable? What real-life psychological phenomena may be explained by the results?
References All citations in the text should be listed in the reference listAll citations in the text should be listed in the reference list All citations on the reference list should be cited in the textAll citations on the reference list should be cited in the text