The Federal Government, Higher Education and EDUCAUSE Terry W. Hartle Dallas, TX October 10, 2006
Federal Government Provides a lot of Money to Higher Education and it is Growing 1
Federal Support for Colleges and Universities * Student Aid$27 billion$82 billion US. Dept. of Education *Based on estimates. 2
* Student Aid$27 billion$82 billion Research$12.3 billion$28.2 billion US. Dept. of Education *Based on estimates. 3 Federal Support for Colleges and Universities
* Student Aid$27 billion$82 billion Research$12.3 billion$28.2 billion Tax Support< $1 billion$10 billion US. Dept. of Education *Based on estimates. 4 Federal Support for Colleges and Universities
The federal government regulates higher education heavily and the regulation is increasing…regardless of whether or not any money is provided. 5
The higher education community must, and does, seek to influence Congress and the Executive Branch to maximize opportunities and to limit adverse developments. 6
This is difficult: › Big, complex, diverse industry that is loosely organized. › Do not play by modern political rules. 7
We are organized around groups -- trade associations -- that represent: Presidents and chancellors Campus administrators Faculty and students 8
PublicPrivate Two-year Four-year University Presidential Associations AAU AASCU AACC NAICU NASULGC UNCF NAFEO HACU CCCU ACCU AJCU AGB ACE 9
Goals Common position Common language Communicate through multiple channels 10
Complex Federal Policy Environment Broke Highly partisan War in Iraq Election looming 11
Information Technology Issues are Especially Complex Few policy makers understand these issues Many people don’t care 12 Good news and bad news
2006 was an OK year: CALEA Higher Education Reauthorization New student aid entitlement Telecom Reform delayed 13
Information Technology Issues Going Forward CALEA Illegal peer-to-peer file sharing Network Neutrality/Broadcast Flag Unit Record/Transfer of Credit Data retention Penalties for loss of personal/financial information 14