Overview of Research Data Management services Open Access and Data Curation Team 7 th August 2013
Who are we? Jill Evans – Open Access and Data Curation Manager Gareth Cole – Data Curation Officer Meg Hunt – Open Access administrator Hannah Lloyd-Jones – Advocacy and Governance Officer Previously the “Open Exeter” team We work closely with RKT, Exeter IT and College PS staff
What do we do? Manage Open Research Exeter (ORE) Online resources – OA and RDM Training Inductions Advise research groups on good practice and developing policy and guidance Data management plan (DMP) guidance Support good research data management at Exeter
What is RDM? Management of research data Enables the preservation of data after end of project Ensures that data isn’t lost during the project Ensures that data can be shared effectively and efficiently Ensures that research groups work efficiently Relationship with open access e.g. transparency, value for money, “public good”
ORE Previously ERIC, DCO, EDA For articles, working papers, theses, conference presentations, data etc. Pete will demo new upload tool Academics deposit papers through Symplectic PGRs deposit through the ORE interface
Online resources RDM one-stop-shop website – E.g. guidance on DMPs Training materials in ORE – E.g. survival guide: Created by PGR students
Training Seven RDP sessions – upportandguidance/trainingforpgrstudentsandsupervi sors/ upportandguidance/trainingforpgrstudentsandsupervi sors/ Also: – PCAP – New Doctoral Supervisors course – Bespoke training for SSIS researchers – College PS staff – Research and Finance Teams etc. Not just PGRs – also ECRs and Researchers
Inductions New PGR students – 3 this year – one at each campus
Advice to research groups Help groups formulate good practices, procedures and policy. E.g. Marine Renewable Energy group in Penryn –
Data Management Plan guidance DMPs are now required by most funding bodies Include: – What data is being created – How and where the data will be stored – How and where the data will be backed up – Who is responsible for the data management – If and how the data will be shared – Where the will the data be preserved So far helped 45 researchers Bids have brought in over £4m of research funding
Any questions ?