ŠKOLIACE CENTRUM INFOVEKU OBCHODNÁ AKADÉMIA LEVICE Využitie IKT v Anglickom jazyku 9.ročník Ing.Katarína Rudzanová jún 2005
Obsah Obsah vyučovacej hodiny Prečo využívať IKT v AJ 3.stupeň prídavných mien Pravidlá tvorenia 3.stupňa prídavných mien Ukážky na konkrétnych príkladoch Cvičenie Zadanie projektu Použitá literatúra Poďakovanie,kontakt
Obsah vyučovacej hodiny Čo sú prídavné mená? Prídavné mená sú plnovýznamové ohybné slová, ktoré pomenúvajú vlastnosti a náležitosť alebo príslušnosť osôb, vecí, vlastností a javov. Ako delíme stupňovanie príd. mien? Stupňovanie prídavných mien delíme: pravidelné: jednoslabičné priberajú koncovku 2st. +er 3st. +est Príklad: high – higher - highest
dvoj a viacslabičné majú pred sebou v 2st. more a v 3st. most Príklad:(beautiful-more beautiful-most beautiful) nepravidelné: Good (dobrý) – better - best Bad (zlý) – worse - worst Far (ďaleký) – farther – farthest Poznámka: 3.Stupeň prídavných mien sa vo vete umiestňuje pred ostatné prídavné mená.
Prečo využívať IKT v AJ? Podpora aktívneho učenia žiakov Pútavejšie podanie informácií Rýchly a názorný výklad učiva Nový spôsob využívania informácií
The superlative is used to say what thing or person has the most of a particular quality within a group or of its kind. Superlative adjectives normally come before any other adjectives.
The rule for forming the superlative is any one syllable adjective add - est to the end of the word. Any longer adjective (two syllables or more) use most in front of the word. Usually superlatives are preceded by 'the'. For example: "Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.", 'high' is a short (one syllable) word. "Arguably, Rome is the most beautiful city in the world.", beautiful is a long word.
The following adjectives are exceptions to this rule: 'good' becomes 'the best' 'bad' becomes 'the worst' 'far' becomes 'the farthest' or 'the furthest'
Adjectives - Comparative & Superlative High/Low Mount Kangchenjunga Mount Everest Mount Manaslu is the lowest mountain. Mount Kangchenjunga is higher than Mount Manaslu Mount Kangchenjunga is higher than Mount Manaslu, but lower than Mount Everest. Mount Everest is the highest mountain. Mount Masalu 8,163(m) 8,586 (m) 8,848 (m)
Long/Short River Danube River Amazon River Nile The river Danube is the shortest river. The river Amazon is longer than the river Danube. The river Amazon is longer than the river Danube, but shorter than the river Nile. The river Nile is the longest river. 2,850 (km) 6,516 (km) 6,695 (km)
The red bag is the smallest bag. The blue bag is bigger than the red bag. The blue bag is bigger than the red bag, but smaller than the white bag. The white bag is the biggest bag. Big/Small
Less/More Expensive John's house cost £45,000 Jane's house cost £55,000 Bill's house cost £75,000 John's house is the least expensive house. John's house is less expensive than Jane's house. Jane's house is more expenisve than John's house, but less expensive than Bill's house. Bill's house is the most expensive house.
1. Anne is 43 years old, Lynne is 40 years old. 2.The red dress costs 25.00, the blue dress costs Box A is bigger than box B, box C is bigger than box A. 4. I live 2 km from my mother. My sister lives 1 km from her. 5. Carrots are good for you, cakes are bad for you. Anne is older than Lynne. The blue dress costs less than the red dress. Box B is the smallest box. My sister lives nearer my mother than me. Carrots are better for you than cakes
Domáca úloha Homework Write a project “the most in Slovakia“ ( for example the longest river,the highest mountain,building,the largest lake,the biggest animal,the most beautiful flower etc. ) Vypracujte projekt “naj na Slovensku“ ( napr. najdlhšia rieka, najvyšší vrch, budova, najväčšie jazero, najväčšie žijúce zviera na Slovensku, najkrajší kvet atď. )
Použitá literatúra učebnica Project Gramatika angličtiny v kocke Essential grammar in use
Kontakt: Ing. Katarína Rudzanová mail: