Select the Services Purchase Order Menu
Select Add Recycling Services Purchase Order to create a new Services Purchase Order
To create a new Services Purchase Order enter in an existing Customer Id and Customer Type. Then enter in the Order Date (usually today) and then select the order number (based on the # of orders this Customer has on that Order Date). The PO Number is filled with the next available number and is unique in the system. Note the key fields are locked once entered. Select the Material Purchase, Shipment Type, Shipment Date, Freight Payment Status, Warehouse Id, Payment Type (Payable or Receivable), Payment Status, and Number of Skids. The customer information automatically fills. The Origin of the Material is used to assist the material supplier with determining where the final processed material originated from. To create the detail for the Services Purchase Order select the Product Name and Product Description from the drop down lists. If the there is no match to the product then it must be added through the Item maintenance screen. The Line Nbr populates automatically. Enter the desired Units On Order (weight or quantity) and the Cost if known.
Special Instructions: This is used to present information to Receiving when this Material arrives. It may also be used to provide information to the purchasing staff from the receiving staff. Typical uses have been exceptions to established pricing structure and freight policy. Print Services Purchase Order: This displays the Services Purchase Order for printing using a defined printer Print Certificate of Recycling: Displays the form for printing. Record Payment: Allows payments from Customers for Recycling Services or Freight and also allows for the payment of Freight or for the materials purchased by the recycling firm. Delete Record: This deletes the record displayed. The child records (detail must be deleted before a parent record may be deleted.
Special Instructions: This is used to present information to Receiving when this Material arrives. It may also be used to provide information to the purchasing staff from the
The Services Purchase Order may be used as an invoice for payment from your Customers or as a purchase order for payment to your Customers. Your Company Logo may appear in place of the eRecycleSoft logo.
After you press the Print Certificate of Recycling button, you must enter the Recycling Method used for the materials on the Certificate
The Certificate of Recycling includes all the material listed on the Services Purchase Order
Here is the error message when you attempt to delete the header record without deleting the detailed records first. The header/detail structure is common throughout the system and the same Delete rules apply.
Here is the error message when you attempt to record a payment and there is no outstanding balance to be paid. This occurs when the balance has been paid off or the has been no Unit Price entered for the material on the Services Purchase Order.
Here the Unit Prices for the 2 skids of material have been entered. This will allow a payment to be made.
The header information has been automatically filled. The Recycle Sales Order information has been grayed out since the payment is being made on a Services Purchase Order. The first question ( Is this a payment from the Customer listed above?) determines if the payment is a receivable or payable. The second determines if the payment is for material, freight or both. Enter the amount paid and the payment method. The edits on the screen will require all of the pertinent information based on the payment method choice (Check, Credit Card, COD, PayPal, Wire Transfer, or Direct Deposit).
The payment information for a wire transfer has been added for this payable Services Purchase Order.
Once payment information has been entered note the Outstanding Amount has been reduced by the payment amount and the Amount Paid has been updated.