Green IT defined Also called green computing it describes the study and the using of computer resources in an efficient way. Energy efficiency Proper recycling of equipment Manufacturing
The Start Environmental Protection Agency Energy Star launch in 1992 Sleep Mode adoption
Design and Manufacturing Manufacturing computers and components with minimal effect on the environment. designing energy-efficient and environmentally sound components, computers, servers, cooling equipment, and data centers
Efficiency reducing the energy consumption of computers and other information systems. Energy consumption Emissions
Proper Recycling of Equipment Refurbishing and reusing old computers as well as properly disposing and recycling unwanted computers and other equipment. E-waste
What’s being done Intel Iron Mountain Aflac
Intel pinpoints thousands of unproductive servers iSHARP (Interactive System Health and Resource Productivity) Reduced server pool by 35%
Iron Mountain finds limestone a natural fit for data center efficiency Room 48 Energy costs significantly lowered
Aflac pushes for paperless practices, yields productivity gains reduced printer count by 34% default to two-sided printing technology from Secureprint