Designated section of town where the Jews were forced to live had been done for centuries- word came from area in Venice where Jews lived during 1500s First step in Final Solution Able to get all Jews in one area=easier to deport to concentration camp Began in 1939 Most in Poland First ghettos located in Poland’s largest cities
Jews were forced to leave home and take belongings to ghetto Would march down street to designated area Once there would be given a housing ticket which said where they would live Once all in, would be sealed off and exits were heavily guarded Forced to wear Star of David on clothing and white arm-band Lets watch the Video!
Given rations which were not enough to live on Estimated- 300 calories/day/person Very dirty = lots of diseases and death Black market Cramped living space About 37% of the greater Warsaw population was squeezed into 4.6% of the area of the city 450,000 people that lived in the Warsaw ghetto Still able to live lives normally Example: practice religion Forced to work for little to no money
Most successful uprising Underground resistance fighters had been smuggling weapons in January 1943 fire on Nazis trying to round up Jews for transport and Nazis are forced to flee April found out all remaining in Warsaw Ghetto are to be sent to Treblinka so go into hiding and fighters prepare
Seven hundred and fifty fighters armed with a handful of pistols, 17 rifles, and Molotov cocktails faced more than 2,000 heavily armed and well-trained German troops supported by tanks and flamethrowers Forced Nazis to flee but came back with more weapons, eventually the Nazis began to burn down all the buildings in Ghetto Resistance holds out for 27 days until ended on May 16 300 Germans and 7,000 Jews were killed
Hitler ordered all ghettos to be liquidated in 1942 and all residence to be sent to concentration camps Rounded up and forced into cattle cars to be sent to a concentration camp or an extermination camp