Ruth Ryder SPDG National Meeting March 5-6, 2013 ESEA Flexibility and SPDG: What’s the connection?
ESEA Flexibility Principle 1: College and career ready expectations for all students Principle 2: State developed differentiated recognition, accountability, and support Principle 3: Supporting effective instruction and leadership Principle 4: Reducing duplication and unnecessary burden
ESEA Flexibility
ESEA Flexibility: OSEP’s Collaborative Efforts Technical Assistance Monitoring Capacity Building
ESEA Flexibility: What We’ve Learned from States Involvement of Special Education in all aspects of ESEA Flexibility is essential, but collaborating is hard, time consuming work. There is value in coordinating efforts and leveraging knowledge and resources across the SEA. Partnering with other offices within SEAs increases opportunities to address the needs of all students, including students with disabilities and English learners.
ESEA Flexibility: OSEP’s Role Moving Forward Work to align OSEP’s RDA system with existing and developing education reform initiatives within the Department, including ESEA Flexibility. Continue to increase collaboration and communication across offices within the Department to support States through technical assistance related to reform initiatives. Build capacity within the Department and within States to understand, develop and implement these reform initiatives while assuring that the needs of students with disabilities are addressed.
ESEA Flexibility and SPDG: State’s Alignment Efforts In Rhode Island, schools in priority and focus status will receive services through SPDG program supports. New Hampshire’s SPDG includes objectives that are designed to increase the capacity of regional personnel development intermediaries, state and community agencies, LEAs, schools, students and families, to support all students in becoming college and career ready. The SPDG Director in Idaho is responsible for collaborating with Statewide System of Support programs to embed the RTI framework into the school planning requirements for priority and focus schools.
Resources Find more information about the ESEA Flexibility Waivers at: Use the drop-down menu or click on the map to find the “Approved ESEA Flexibility Request” for your state, as well as other supporting documents. Scroll down to “Overview” to find links to two documents that summarize the Department’s reform initiatives: ESEA Flexibility Policy Document and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Use the link “For more see Additional Support and Technical Assistance” to view webinars, forums, and guidance documents that the Department of Education prepared for states and other stakeholders.