BUDDHISM By: Bella Chaucer
1.When and where did Buddhism begin? Buddhism began in northern India around 2500 years ago.
2.How did Buddhism spread? Buddhism spread when a man taught people a new way to live. He became known as the Buddha or “the Enlightened One”, and his teaching were known as the dharma.
.What regions, civilizations, societies, and countries practiced Buddhism a some point in time? Buddhism spread all over countries around the world also Asian Homeland and beyond.
Explain at least 5 beliefs that make Buddhism unique. The Buddha knew that neither great luxury nor great hardship led to happiness. He taught a middle called the noble eightfold path. 1.Right understanding-understanding the truth of Buddha's teaching. 2.Right intention- having compassion for other people and thinking about them in a kind and generous way. 3.Right speech- not telling lies, swearing, or speaking unkindly. 4.Right action-not stealing, killing or performing any actions which might harm or upset other people. 5.Right livelihood-earning a living in a way that doesn’t harm others. 6.Right effort-making an effort to be kind and compassionate 7.Right mindfulness-being aware of your actions and thoughts 8. Right concentration-training your mind to be calm and clear e are eight parts to the path:
6.What specific practices do people who practice Buddhism take part in? Some of the practices that they use area meditation, which is mental concentration and mindfulness. Mantras which is sacred sound.Mudras is symbolic hand gestures, and prayer wheels is reciting mantras with the turn of a wheel.also there is pilgrimage which is visiting sacred sites, monasticism and veneration of Buddha's and deities. These area all practices that people who practice Buddhism take part in.
7.How did these beliefs transform different societies? We think that the beliefs transformed societies because some people had to change the away they live because of the eightfold path. Also it may have changed there society because they had to follow eight rules and if they did not there was most likely a consequence. So they just had to get used to following those beliefs and change what they believed before.
Visuals What is Buddhism The Four Noble Truths Video
Citations Anonymous. "Christian Holidays." ReligionFacts. 8 February [from "Updated:" on the left of the article] Accessed 8 December 2007 [date you accessed the article] < olidays.htm