December 2010 District Deputy Meeting *RETENTION*
The Out of State Members The Out of State Member What am I going to do?
Do NOT do the following: He is “Out of State, I don’t know what to do” He is “Out of State, I’m going to suspend him because has not paid” He is “Out of State, I’m going to suspend him because he doesn’t come to meetings any more” He is “Out of State, I’m just not going to ‘mess’ with trying to find him”
Do the Following: Log on to the Supreme website On the front page, right hand side, click on “find an agent” Enter the zip code for the area where you have a last address the Insurance Agent listed with as much information as what you have (membership #, name, address, etc) and any other details
The Generation Gap 4 Generations
VETERANS AGE Few typewriters Mail, telegrams, newspapers, few telephones Technology fascination Face-to-face or written communication is preferred
BOOMERS AGE 45 – 63 Electric typewriters Mail, telegrams, newspapers – MORE telephones Technically challenged (40%) , cell phone or face-to-face
GEN-X AGE Homes with desktop computers Mail, newspapers, mobile phones (size of briefcase) Technically savvy (80%) Use as primary communication tool
GEN – Y AGE Computers / laptops nearly as common as TVs Surf the web, newspapers read on-line and iPhones Technically Savvy (100%) Prefer and text communications
Communication – Past and Present Veterans (Age ) Boomers (Age 45-63) Gen X (Age 29-44) Gen Y (Age 10-28) Few typewritersElectric typewritersHomes w/desktop computers Computers/laptops nearly as common as TVs Mail, telegrams, newspapers & few telephones Mail, telegrams, newspapers – more telephones Mail, newspapers, mobile phone size of briefcase Surf the web, newspapers read online – iPhones Technology fascination Technically challenged (40%) Technically savvy (80%) Technically savvy (100%) Face-to-face or written communication is preferred , cell phone or face-to-face Use as primary communication tool Prefers communication
The Top 5 Issues The same members do all the work – burn out No direction from the council leadership No room for new members to participate – the old guard rules I feel like an outsider I joined to HELP – we don’t do anything