Get Ready….it’s test time!
You MUST complete the preassessment. Do your best! We do NOT expect you to know all the answers.
Your Lifelong Career Plan here’s a look ahead for the year… Always set goals both academic & personal Navigate MyMPS Log into ‘Navigator’ Complete a Career Search Inventory Research careers of interest to you Create a 4-year plan Register for high school Begin developing a high school portfolio
What are we doing today? … 1.Take a pretest 2.Explore MyMPS 3.Login to ‘Navigator’
MyMPS gives you… class schedule teacher s grades transcripts registration attendance and much more!
Navigator gives you…. Career interest assessments Skill assessments Assessment scores and results College searches Education plans resume writing Help locating jobs and much more…
You Need “Personal Information” to access documents and to complete forms.
Personal Information First Name:__________________ Middle Initial:____ Last Name:_______________ Birthdate:___________________ Gender: M F Ethnicity______________ mm/dd/yyyy Address___________________________________________________________ STREET CITY, STATE ZIP CODE Phone Number(home/cell):______________YOUR _______________________ ********************************************************************************************************* MYMPSNAVIGATOR User Name: st____________________User Name:_______________________ ( first & middle initials, last name, day born) Password: _______________________Password: st_____________________ (first & middle initials, last name, day born)
Shari Lee Hess 10/30/1995 My student ID# is: ***************************************** MyMPSNAVIGATOR User ID: st120889User ID: slhess30 Password: slhess30 Password: st120889