On any given night, 400 Veterans are homeless in Sonoma County. Source: Sonoma County Point-In-Time Homeless Census & Survey, 2011 and 2013.
In fact, more Veterans are homeless in California than anywhere in the US.
In Sonoma County, 1 in every 8 homeless men has served in the military. Source: Sonoma County Point-In-Time Homeless Census & Survey, 2013.
Sonoma County is home. 3 out of 4 homeless Veterans lived here before they became homeless. Over 80% had lived here >10 years before becoming homeless, & almost all had lived here >5 years. Source: Sonoma County Point-In-Time Homeless Census & Survey, 2013.
The vast majority of homeless Veterans are living outside. Source: Sonoma County Point-In-Time Homeless Census & Survey, 2013.
For many years, most homeless Veterans had served in the Vietnam era. We’re now seeing more Veterans of recent conflicts, as well as elderly Veterans of the Korean and Cold War periods. Source: Sonoma County Vet Connect
Younger homeless veterans began seeking services in the last year or so… Source: Sonoma County Point-In-Time Homeless Census & Survey, 2013.
… And the number of women vets seeking help has nearly doubled. Source: Sonoma County Vet Connect
At least 40% of homeless Veterans have been homeless over a year, with a disability. Sources: Sonoma County Vet Connect; Sonoma County Point-In-Time Homeless Census & Survey, 2013.
In 2010, the Veterans Administration and US Interagency Council on Homelessness set a goal: End homelessness among Veterans nationwide by 2015
The VA and HUD have partnered to create the VA Supportive Housing Program. Over 225 Sonoma County Veterans and their families have been housed through the VASH program. But the number of Veterans who are homeless is still high.
Growing Resources for Homeless Veterans Sonoma County Vet Connect meets every Tuesday to link Veterans with services Source: Continuum of Care Housing Inventory as of August 13, 2013.
How do we end Veteran homelessness in Sonoma County by 2015? We expect 1,300 people to need help getting housed in the next 30 months.
The Sonoma County Housing Veterans Campaign aims to secure permanent housing for 30 homeless Veterans each month until December 2015, to end veteran homelessness.
Gearing up to place 30 Veterans in September 30 PLACEMENTS PER MONTH 11 30