GENERAL RULE AACR directly except if rules or apply. Enter a corporate body directly under the name by which it is commonly identified, except if rules or apply. The name is determined from items issued by the body in its language or, if that does not apply, from reference sources.
DIFFERENT LANGUAGES AACR2 24.3A different languages If name appears on the publication in different languages: one is official language – use it. 2 or more official languages, one of which is English, use English form. 2 or more official languages, none is English, use form that is predominantly used in items issued by body.
DIFFERENT LANGUAGES AACR2 24.3A … Official language not known, use form of the country in which the body is located, if country has a single official language. Previous categories not applicable: use the English, French, German, Spanish, or Russian form, in this order. None of this applies, use the form in the language that comes first in English alphabetic order.
PUNCTUATION IN CORPORATE BODIES (LCRI 24.1) 1.Quotation marks If the form of the name selected as the heading includes quotation marks around an element or elements of the name, retain them (example in 24.7B4)
PUNCTUATION IN CORPORATE BODIES (LCRI 24.1) … 2. Comma Add a comma to a series of words appearing in the English language
BIBLIOGRAPHY Clack, D. H Authority control: principles, applications and instructions. Chicago: ALA Gorman, M The corruption of cataloging. Library journal, 120(16): Jeng, L. H What authority? Why control? Cataloging & classification quarterly, 34(4):91-97 Marais, H Authority control in an academic library consortium using a union catalogue … D. Litt et Phil. tesis, University of South Africa, Pretoria. (Unpublished)
BIBLIOGRAPHY … MARC 21 format for authority control ed. Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress, Cataloging Distribution Service Maxwell, R. L Maxwell’s guide to authority work. Chicago: ALA NACO participants’ manual rd ed. Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress, Cataloging Distribution Service NACO training for OCLC libraries. Instructors Manual Online. Last accessed: 15 January Available: Password protected
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