Every year about late December, folks always seem to remember that the yuletide season is coming up quick, so they start getting ready for old St. Nick. Every year about late December, folks always seem to remember that the yuletide season is coming up quick, so they start getting ready for old St. Nick.
Because every year, he heads down their way, bringing with him some elves and a sleigh, all laden with toys and pulled by some reindeer, while they say their goodnights, as he draws ever so near. Because every year, he heads down their way, bringing with him some elves and a sleigh, all laden with toys and pulled by some reindeer, while they say their goodnights, as he draws ever so near.
He flies over the mountains and through the treetops making an unbelievable number of stops, up over the peaks and off through the clouds, while caroling "Merry Christmas" to everyone out loud. He flies over the mountains and through the treetops making an unbelievable number of stops, up over the peaks and off through the clouds, while caroling "Merry Christmas" to everyone out loud.
and, he soars over the oceans and harbors at night that eagerly wait for his annual flight... and, he soars over the oceans and harbors at night that eagerly wait for his annual flight...
And through snow covered forests of spirited dreams nourished to life by crystalline streams. And through snow covered forests of spirited dreams nourished to life by crystalline streams.
And, throughout the world, he stops by the cities to help celebrate all the holiday pretties. And, throughout the world, he stops by the cities to help celebrate all the holiday pretties.
And so goes old Santa's mystical flight, as he scurries from place to place through the night, fulfilling wishes, as he gloriously goes with nothing more than a twitch of his nose. And so goes old Santa's mystical flight, as he scurries from place to place through the night, fulfilling wishes, as he gloriously goes with nothing more than a twitch of his nose.
While the children wait most patiently for jolly St. Nick to trim their trees with trinkets and toys for when they were good, and did the things that they knew they should.
So, Santa made his Christmas rounds, leaping down chimneys in single bounds, and those who kept watch, in a wide eyed gaze, were quite impressed, but more often, amazed. So, Santa made his Christmas rounds, leaping down chimneys in single bounds, and those who kept watch, in a wide eyed gaze, were quite impressed, but more often, amazed.
And as a reverent hush fell across the land, brother to brother, they joined their hands, and uplifted their hearts in blessed prayer in thankful remembrance that they were there enjoined as one in love's embrace to share their joy in this special place.
And as Santa bid them all farewell, amidst the throng of Christmas bells, a celestial voice from way up high rang out, as they were waving their goodbyes...
and the Voice said... "You honor Me on this sacred night, When you bathe the world in a forgiving light in remembrance of One whose holy birth has instilled the prayers for Peace on Earth. So, be pure in heart in all you do, and know that I am ever mindful, too, of what rewards your journey may bring, when a merciful hand relieves suffering. For I am with you in the air that you breathe, in a Spring's first rain, in the autumn leaves, in a sunrise, a sunset, an evening's demise, in the loss of a loved one, or a newborn's sigh. Know, too, that my love endures without end, as the binding warmth of a constant friend, for I am the keeper of inextinguishable stars, and indisputable Master of all that you are. So, spread your love and Christmas pleasures so that all might share in this season's treasures and know that my guidance and love will be with you this Christmas night as my Emissary."
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