India’s Religions Hinduism & Buddhism
Hinduism 3 rd largest religion in the world – 1 st in India Hindu society relies heavily on the Varnas – Rigveda Polytheistic (many gods) “god or goddess is every where and found in everything” 330 Million gods ie: Meenakshi Amman Temple
They believe in reincarnation – Soul comes back to live another life That body and life is dependent upon previous life – (good or bad Karma)
The Varnas The 5 Varnas or social divisions 1.Brahmins – Priests 2.Kshatriyas – Rulers & Warriors 3.Vaisyas – Farmers, craftspeople, & traders 4.Sudras – Servants (peasants) 5. Untouchables The Caste System 3,000 separate castes Developed special rules – Marriage – Eating Never caste mixing – Could be banished
Janism Based on Mahavira – Upset with the power of the Brahmins Four Principles – Injure no life – Tell the truth – Do not steal – Own no property
Janism Strong belief in reincarnation Serious about not killing ANYTHING – Vegetarians – Masks Nonviolence
Buddhism Siddhartha Guatama – Born into luxury – No struggles growing up The walk of reality – Old man, sick man, corpse – Got him thinking about life’s questions
Buddhism Human suffering due to three things: 1.Wanting what we do not have 2.Wanting to keep what we like & already have 3.Not wanting what we dislike but have
Buddhism Meditates under a tree Tree of Wisdom – Enlightment “Buddha” – “The enlightened one”
Buddhism Four Noble Truths (pg. 138) 1.Suffering is part of Life 2.Suffering happens because we want things 3.Overcoming wants help us reach Nirvana 4.Follow the Eight fold path
The Eight Fold Path Page Right Thought 2.Right Intent 3.Right Speech 4.Right Action 5.Right Livelihood 6.Right Effort 7.Right Mindfulness 8.Right Concentration