By: Janvi Nandwani
Background Born in 1608 He was born in Dehu, very close Pune city in Maharashtra Was a 17th century Marathi poet saint Referred to as "Tuka" Left the body in 1650
Tukaram’s Dream He says he was initiated in a dream by Raghava Caitanya Kesava Caitanya Saint Tukaram confirms this claim in a verse that clearly states that “the mantra “Jai Jai Ram Krishna Hari” was given to me by “Chaitanya Baba” in my dreams”
Devotion of Tukaram Since initiation, Tukaram developed great devotion Due to intense devotion to Lord Vital Nath, he composed so many kirtans The famous temple of Lord Vitan Nath is in Pandari Pura, near Pune
Tukaram’s Teachings Tukaram wrote in a special verse form called the abhanga, a run on couplet with three and a half lines with the first three rhyming As was the tradition, he also added his signature, Tuka Mhane or “Tuka Says”, at the end of each verse In one of his abhanga, Saint Tukaram says " Mazya Vithobacha kaisa prembhav aapanachi dev hoy Guru " which means My Lord Vithal is so loving He becomes my own Guru "Jive daya name ruchi vaishnava seva" is the basic of Lord Chaitanya's teachings which we see preached by Saint Tukaram in his abhangas
King Shivaji King Shivaji was one of his well known disciples Shivaji was the one fighting for Hindu Dharma against Muslims
Aurangazeb tried to kill Shivaji Aurangazeb planned and invaded the temple to catch Shivaji Due to Tukaram’s devotion, the army ended up in killing their own people
How Tukaram left this world? A celestial aeroplane came from Vaikuntha Tukkaram abhoded and vanished Many devotees witnessed this astonishing event So he does not have any samadhi
One of his abhangs.. This is one of his abhangs. They mostly have Rama, Krishna and Hare – the same words in the Maha Mantra. Rama Krishna Hare
In this kali Yuga, chanting maha mantra is the surest way to reach Lord Hari.. Harer nāma harer nāma Harer nāmaiva kevalam Kalau nāsty eva nāsty eva Nāsty eva gatir anyathā [ For deliverance in this Kali Yuga, there is no other way, there is no other way, there is no other way except chanting the holy names of the Lord.]
Let us all sing the Maha Mantra!
Quiz Time In which year saint Tukkaram was born? What is the name of his famous songs collectively called? In which year did he leave his material body? In which place near Pune (Maharashtra) was he born? Who initiated Saint Tukkaram in his dream? What are the main 3 words in his kirtans?
Bibliography swami-maharaj-on-sant.html p=143 w-can-lord-chaitanya-have-initiated-saint- tukaram-when-they-lived-at-different-times/
Thank You! Hare Krishna! Vānchā kalpa tarubhyaś ca Krpā-sindhubhya eva ca Patitānām pāvanebhyo Vaiṣṇavebhyo namo namah