INTRODUCTION Our science and technology developed a lot. As a result of development in stage of telecommunication,there was a vast development in the field of COMPUTER.Now it is an inevitable factor in our dailylife also.It can influence all walks of life This project includes the vast usage of computer in the field of bank, education,govt.offices etc……
AIMS &OBJECTIVES To understand what is the influence of computer in our dailylife. To find how computer is useful to To understand how it helps in the educational field,banking,etc.. To find is there any influence of computer in industrial field.
METHOD OF STUDY; Survey TIME; Up to 14 AREA OF STUDY; Institution in our locality
HISTORY OF COMPUTER Since 1946, which marked the developed the first electronic computer,ENIAC. The first generation computer used vaccum tubes and machine language was used for giving instructions. In 1950,the first computer that used the new man concept of storing programmes named EDVAC was built. The second generation computer began from 1956.The third generation computer from Fourth-1976.
INSTITUTIONUSAGE OF COMPUTER South bank of India Computer helps to easier cash transaction. To store details about the accounts. It helps in the transaction of credit &debit cards. ATM facilities are function through computer DATA COLLECTED
o District treasury Identifies the signatures. Calculation of interest. Transaction of the entire bank can be watched by the manager by sitting on room Verifying account balances Transactions from other bank. Bills are passed. Maintain details about various department & employees.
o District labour office Saving treasury accounts. Collects details from sub- treasury. Maintain the account of agricultural worker’s pension. Prepare salary bill. Important labour laws are stored Keep important orders of industrial dispute act. Keep the details of wages regarding various workers
o Industrial field o Educational field Computer helps to maintain the function of machines. Accounts are stored. Through internet in the computer can contact with other countries for business conferences. Computer can be used as ideal tools in planning. Students can search large databases on interesting subject.
Medical field At present functions of EDUSAT are controlled by computer. Students can develop science project using software. Computers are used widely in the study of immunology. It is also used in medical radiology and computing radiation. It is used from diagnosing illness to monitoring patients during surgery.
DATA ANALYSIS This project is done to find the uses of computer in daily life. We done researches on institution such as banks, treasury, educational institution, industrial fields and so on.On the basis of the survey we can state that computer is essential in our daily life.Computer is used as a storage device in banking, medical field,, industrial field.It is used to search information in educational field.
CONCLUSION This project is on use of computer in our daily life. On the basis of survey we concluded that computers are parts of the way we live.