Grant Programs: and Beyond Kathryn Osmond Wellesley College
Byrd By-by Byrdie (not funded in President’s 07 Budget)
SEOG Preserved Funding for FY06 slightly lower but similar to FY 05 Same preference for awarding to Pell recipients (highest need students)
Pell Maximum for will be $4050 (06 AND 07) Limit of 18 semesters (or equivalent) (President’s 07 budget) Tuition sensitivity very low: only if COA is less than $675 (determined on full-time costs) (President’s 07 budget)
Academic Competitiveness and SMART Grants New for FY06, this means ! Mandatory programs Available to full-time Pell recipients Enrolled in degree-granting institution of higher education But tied to merit components Anticipate 600,000 recipients, half to Academic Competitiveness and half to SMART
Academic Competitiveness First year and second year students in 2 or 4 year college who are Pell-eligible $750 for 1st year students and $1,300 for 2nd year students Must have 3.0 GPA at end of 1 st year to qualify for 2 nd year grant First year students complete high school after Jan. 2006, second year student after Jan. 2005
Academic Competitiveness (con’t) Rigorous secondary program—beyond basic high school curriculum Student has completed that rigorous program. Intent of Congress to be inclusive: public high schools, private high schools, charter schools, home-schooled Secretary of Education will recognize the eligible programs.
SMART Grants National Science and Mathematics Access to Retain Talent (SMART) Available to 3 rd and 4 th year college students who are Pell Recipients $4,000 GPA of 3.0 in courses required for the qualifying major
SMART (con’t) Specific fields of study: physical sciences; computer sciences; technology; mathematics; engineering Also “critical” foreign languages “Critical” defined by Secretary of Education in conjunction with Director of National Intelligence
Questions Will Achievement Grants & SMART Grants reduce funding for Pell over time? Achievement: What is rigorous? Term applied to the whole entity (e.g., high school) or to a program within the entity (college prep)? How do we determine that the student has successfully completed the program? Designation on h.s. transcript?
Questions (continued) SMART: What about double majors? Computer Science-Art, for example. Or Art-Computer Science? How often must the 3.0 average be monitored? Once a year? Each semester? GPA VS GPA in major Phasing-in and phasing out of majors and critical languages: will students with SMART Grants be grandfathered?
Questions (continued) Processes will be manual (little or no computer support initially). Many questions will arise. Guidance from DOE? Dear Colleague? Safe harbor for ? Negotiated rule-making for ?