Looking Inside The “Oakland Experience” Another way to look at NSSE Data April 20, 2009
NSSE Indicators of Effective Educational Practice Level of Academic Challenge Student-Faculty Interaction Active and Collaborative Learning Enriching Educational Experiences Supportive Campus Environment
Level of Academic Challenge
Student-Faculty Interaction
Active & Collabortive Learning
Enriching Educational Experiences
Supportive Campus Environment
Engaging the Institution Students aren’t the only ones who benefit from engagement. If NSSE is to be a vehicle for improvement…faculty (and staff) need to be engaged… …an engaged campus (or department or program) would be one in which everyone embraces the challenge of continually doing better for students.
Institutional Quality: A Nuanced View There is value in comparing data about institutional performance between institutions, BUT We all know that the institutional averages do not represent the experience of all students in that institution.
Institutional Quality: A Nuanced View For all NSSE benchmarks of effective educational practices, less than 10% of the total variation is attributable to institutions. The lion’s share of the variation is among students, within institutions.
Looking within Examining variation in the student experience within an institution. How do experiences differ by major or by groups of related majors. Demographic or other subgroups? Who are the least engaged students? Even high-performing institutions have work to do to improve the experience of all students.
Variation of NSSE Benchmarks
OU data by Program Group
Looking Inside Same data – different perspective How do we identify specific areas where we can improve the engagement, education and experience of OU students
Data by School/College & Peer Most OU units lower than peer for both FY & SR students on application of theories or concepts
Level of Academic Challenge (students that replied quite a bit/very much) Arts & HumanitiesSciences Social Sciences Pre- Profs Comm/ Journalism FRSRFRSRFRSRFR SR Worked harder than you thought you could to meet an instructor's standards or expectations 3% -1%-14%4%-5%-2%-9%5% ANALYZING basic elements of an idea/experience/theory; examining a particular case/situation in depth & considering its components 0%-1% -4%2% 6%8%7% SYNTHESIZING and organizing ideas/information/experiences into new, more complex interpretations & relationships 6%5%-10%-2%2%4%5%14%-1% MAKING JUDGMENTS about the value of information, arguments, or methods, such as examining how others gathered and interpreted data and assessing the soundness of their conclusions 0%4%-6%-11%16%-3%3%0%8% APPLYING theories or concepts to practical problems or in new situations 0%-6%6%-13%7%6%4%-4%-2% MEMORIZING facts/ideas/methods from courses & readings to repeat them in much the same form -10%-9%4%10%-4%2% 4%3% Spending significant amounts of time studying and on academic work 1%-3%-11%4%-4%1%6%4%-8%
Level of Academic Challenge (students that replied quite a bit/very much) SBASEHSSHSNursingEngineeringComp Sci FRSRFRSRFRSRFRSRFRSRFRSR Worked harder than you thought you could to meet an instructor's standards or expectations -5%-7%-4%8% - 6% 0%10%3%1%-4%4%-10% ANALYZING basic elements of an idea/experience/theory; examining a particular case/situation in depth & considering its components 2% 0%-1% 0%-2%4%-10%2% - 3% -6% SYNTHESIZING and organizing ideas/information/experiences into new, more complex interpretations & relationships 1%-6%1%6% - 3% -13%-1% 11 % -6%-3% - 9% -20% MAKING JUDGMENTS about the value of information, arguments, or methods, such as examining how others gathered and interpreted data and assessing the soundness of their conclusions 0%2%1%5% - 5% -19%-4% 13 % 3%-11% - 2% -24% APPLYING theories or concepts to practical problems or in new situations 1%4%-8%6%4%-9%7%5%-1%2% - 6% -12% MEMORIZING facts/ideas/methods from courses & readings to repeat them in much the same form -3%6%-3%-9%0%17%15% 13 % -14%-2%7%-13% Spending significant amounts of time studying and on academic work 4%-1%0%1% - 3% 1%2%3%-6%4% -3% Spending significant amounts of time studying and on academic work 4%-1%0%1% - 3% 1%2%3%-6%4% -3%
Level of Academic Challenge Arts & HumanitiesSciences Social Sciences Pre- Profs Comm/ Journalism FRSRFRSRFRSRFR SR Number of assigned textbooks, books, or book- length packs of course readings 5+6%14%2%0%12%11%3%5%-4% 11+12%22%3%0%8%10%-7%13%-6% Number of written papers or reports of 20 PAGES OR MORE 5+-1%-3%3%-4%1%0%4%2%-3% 11+0%-1%0%-1%2%0%1% -2% Number of written papers or reports BETWEEN 5 AND 19 PAGES 5+-8%5%6%-16%5%14%1%-4%7% 11+-1%2%4%-9%6%5%3%1%-3% Number of written papers or reports of FEWER THAN 5 PAGES 5+-3%-5%-4%-11%4%-3%5%15% 25 % 11+0%-2%-4%-11%12%-3%-6%-5% 25 % Hours per 7-day week spent preparing for class (studying, reading, writing, doing homework or lab work, analyzing data, rehearsing, and other academic activities) 16+ hours -4%10%7%6%-1%-7%-3% - 13% - 18 %
Level of Academic Challenge SBASEHSSHSNursingEngineering Computer Science FRSRFRSRFRSRFRSRFRSRFRSR Number of assigned textbooks, books, or book-length packs of course readings 5+-5%-9%-1%0%1%-8%-2%9%-14%-13%-7%-22% 11+-3%-11%-2%-4%-1%-14%-3%13%-17%-16%-7%-19% Number of written papers or reports of 20 PAGES OR MORE 5+1%-4%-3%2%-3%-7%0%2%0%8%0% 11+3%-1%-2%1%-1%-2%-1%2% -2% 1% Number of written papers or reports BETWEEN 5 AND 19 PAGES 5+1%-4%6%3%7%-20%-2%-1%-5%5%-17%-12% 11+0%-6%-2%1%-2%-6%0%-1% 12%-1%1% Number of written papers or reports of FEWER THAN 5 PAGES 5+5%0%2%10%-9%-16%-10%0%-2%-1%15%-14% 11+4%-2%10% -3%-10%-4%-5%-6%-7%3%-5% Hours per 7-day week spent preparing for class (studying, reading, writing, doing homework or lab work, analyzing data, rehearsing, and other academic activities) 16+ hrs -6%-9%-2%2%10%0%14%6%4%5%-6%-8%
Looking Inside Can faculty use this to help identify areas of concern for your program? Which Items are important to you? What are you surprised to see?
Data by School/College & Peer
Student-Faculty Interaction (students that replied often/very often) Arts & HumanitiesSciences Social Sciences Pre- Profs Comm./ Journalism FRSRFRSRFRSRFR SR Discussed grades or assignments with an instructor-2%5%-6%-10%9%4%11%-1%8% Talked about career plans with a faculty member or advisor-2%8%-6%5%-3%14%-6%0%-1% Discussed ideas from your readings or classes with faculty members outside of class 2%7%3%4%3%10%1%-2%4% Received prompt written or oral feedback from faculty on your academic performance 6%8%-5%2%-11%2%1%19%-11% Worked with faculty members on activities other than coursework (committees, orientation, student life activities, etc.) 0%4% 2%5%4%1%0%2% Work on a research project with a faculty member outside of course or program requirements (done) -1%0%1%28%1%5%3%-4%8%
Student-Faculty Interaction (students that replied often/very often) SBASEHSSHSNursingEngineering Computer Science FRSRFRSRFRSRFRSRFRSRFRSR Discussed grades or assignments with an instructor8%0%-1%3%-2%-7%0%3%-5%-14%0%-17% Talked about career plans with a faculty member or advisor -5%-8%5%1% 6%0%-8%-1%-13%2%-4% Discussed ideas from your readings or classes with faculty members outside of class 2%-4%-3%-2%-4%-1%1%-4%-3%-14%-1%-7% Received prompt written or oral feedback from faculty on your academic performance 3%-1%1%9%-9%-6% 1%-3%-17%-2%-10% Worked with faculty members on activities other than coursework (committees, orientation, student life activities, etc.) 2%-1% -3%-1%2%-1%4%0%-4%-1%-6% Work on a research project with a faculty member outside of course or program requirements -1%-6%-3%-8%-3%-1%3%2%1%4%0%1%
Data by School/College & Peer Most OU schools are below peers in making class presentations for both FY & senior students
Active & Collaborative Learning (students that replied often/very often) Differences from average Arts & HumanitiesSciencesSocial Sciences Pre- Profs Comm/Journalism FRSRFRSRFRSRFRSR Asked questions in class or contributed to class discussions 15%12%4%-15%9%-3%3%8%5% Made a class presentation6%-15%-1%-29%-2%-22%-5%-34%9% Worked with other students on projects DURING CLASS -2%-4%-13%-21%6%-17%-3%-50%5% Worked with classmates OUTSIDE OF CLASS to prepare class assignments -9%-34%5%-18%0%-22%2%-32%-18% Tutored or taught other students (paid or voluntary) 1%2%0%14%-2%-1%-3%-18%3% Participated in a community-based project (e.g., service learning) as part of a regular course -2%-7%4%-5%0%-8%-2%-14%15% Discussed ideas from your readings or classes with faculty members outside of class 2%7%3%4%3%10%1%3%4%
Active & Collaborative Learning (students that replied often/very often) Differences from average Business Administrtn Education & Human Serv Health SciencesNursingEngineering Computer Science FRSRFRSRFRSRFRSRFRSRFRSR Asked questions in class or contributed to class discussions 5%-3%-9%13%-8%-12%-6%-16%4%-1%-5%-28% Made a class presentation14%13%-2%32%-5%-32%-8%-3%-6%-20%-12%-5% Worked with other students on projects DURING CLASS 7%5%4%27%0%-13%-1%-13%-8%-15%2%-1% Worked with classmates OUTSIDE OF CLASS to prepare class assignments 11%19%0%18%2%-21%0%9%4%27%3%6% Tutored or taught other students (paid or voluntary) 1%-4%-2%1%-1% 2%-3%8%2%11%-3% Participated in a community-based project (e.g., service learning) as part of a regular course -1%-7%4%11%-1%0%3%14%-3%-10%-5%-12% Discussed ideas from your readings or classes with faculty members outside of class 2%-4%-3%-2%-4%-1%1%-4%-3%-14%-1%-7%
Data by School/College & Peer Prospective teachers and nurses are most likely to have had practical experience
Enriching Education Experiences A&HSciences Social Sciences Pre- Prof Comm/ Journalism FRSRFRSRFRSRFR SR Used an electronic medium to discuss or complete an assignment Often/ V Often 2%-8% -7%3%-11%-7%23%6% Had serious conversations with students of a different race or ethnicity than your own Often/ V Often 2%4%-4%3%6%7%16%3% Had serious conversations with students who are very different from you in terms of their religious beliefs, political opinions, or personal values Often/ V Often 4%10%-10%3%11%9%15%9%3% Practicum, internship, field experience, co-op experience, or clinical assignment Done2%-7%4%-1%-3%-12%3%-5%6% Community service or volunteer workDone-1%-7%-4%0%11%-1%-7%0%13% Participate in a learning comm. or other formal program where groups of students take two or more classes together Done-4%-3%1%-10%-6%-1%-5%3%-4% Foreign (additional) language courseworkDone9%4%11%9%5%1%8%4%17% Study abroadDone0%5%-3%1% -2%5%0% Independent study or self-designed majorDone0%3%-2%9%-2%0%-2%1%0% Culminating senior experience (capstone course, senior project or thesis, comprehensive exam, etc.) Done0%15%-1%13%3%-3%-1% 15% Encouraging contact among students from different economic, social, and racial or ethnic backgrounds Quite a bit/very Much -1%5%-1%-4%0%2%-7%18%-9%
Enriching Educational Experiences SBASEHS NursingEngineerComp Sci FRSRFRSRFRSRFRSRFRSRFRSR Used an electronic medium to discuss or complete an assignment Often/ V Often -2%4% 6%-1%-23%-4%26%4%-2%0%-7% Had serious conversations with students of a different race or ethnicity than your own Often/ V Often 0%1%-5%-2%4%-13%-4%-5%18%3%-6%-18% Had serious conversations with students very different from you in terms of beliefs/opinions Often/ V Often -5%-2%-6%0%3%-14%0%-6%7%-4%0%-13% Practicum, internship, field experience, co-op experience, or clinical assignment Done-1%-13%-2%20%-1%-12%6%25%0%-2%-1%-6% Community service or volunteer workDone-2%-7%4%10%2%13%3%4%-9%-12%-7%-21% Partic in a learning comm/other formal program where groups take 2 or more classes together Done2%-5%11% 4%-3%7%17%-4%-5% -14% Foreign (additional) language courseworkDone-3% -12%-17%3%13%-18%11%3%6%0%4% Study abroadDone-2% -3%2%4%0% -3%11%5%-2% Independent study or self-designed majorDone-2%-6%-1%-8%3%-3%1% 0%1%-2%3% Culminating senior experience (capstone course, senior project/ thesis, comp. exam, etc.) Done-1%-6%-1%-12%-1%-2%2%0%-1%15%3%8% Encouraging contact among students from different economic, social, and racial or ethnic backgrounds Quite a bit/very Much -8%2%7%4%-1%-4%0% -8%-9%-5%-6%
Student Satisfaction Arts & HumanitiesSciences Social Sciences Pre- Profs Communicatn/J ournalism FRSRFRSRFRSRFR SR Overall, how would you evaluate the quality of academic advising you have received at your institution? Good/ Excellent -2%0%-22%3%10%6%1%-18%-4% How would you evaluate your entire educational experience at this institution? Good /Excellent 8%-2%-10%-8%8%3%1%6%0% If you could start over again, would you go to the SAME INSTITUTION you are now attending? Probably/ Definitely yes 0%-2%-5%-9%-5% -3%-7%-10%
Student Satisfaction SBASEHSSHSNursingEngineering Computer Science FRSRFRSRFRSRFRSRFRSRFRSR Overall, how would you evaluate the quality of academic advising you have received at your institution? Good/ Excellent -2% 3%-4%3%7%0%12%-7%3%-11%-15% How would you evaluate your entire educational experience at this institution? Good/ Excellent 3%4%1%9%-6%0%-1%-3%-16%-8%-11%-23% If you could start over again, would you go to the SAME INSTITUTION you are now attending? Probably/ Definitely yes -2%4%8%12%-1%2% -3%-9%-7%0%-17%
Looking Inside What’s next? Questions? Thank you!