Jihad 2
Sequence Concepts Various Kinds of Jihad History and Issues Is Jihad Terrorism ? Epilogue 3
Outline What is Islam about? Definition of Jihad Jihad in Islamic Terminology Aim/Objective of Jihad Elements of Jihad Levels of Jihad Significance of Jihad War in Islam Jihad and Terrorism Roots of Fundamentalism
What is Islam about? Islam “salam” Peace, Submission, Salvation Order, Harmony, and Integrity Within one’s soul and society
Concept The triliteral root jīm hā dāl ج ه د occurs 41 times in the Quran, in five derived forms: 27 times as the form III verb jāhada (جَٰهَدَ) four times as the noun jihād (جِهَاد) once as the noun juh'd (جُهْد) five times as the verbal noun jahd (جَهْد) four times as the form III active participle mujāhidīn (مُجَٰهِدِين) 6
Concept Meaning from Arabic “Juhd” Dictionary: Struggle, striving Practical : A determined struggle in the cause of Allah in good “ Jihad fi Sabilillah” Can be termed as struggle of various types 9
Concept Cont… A person engaged in jihad is called a Mujahid, the plural is Mujahideen In Modern Standard Arabic, term jihad is used for a struggle for any cause, violent or non-violent, religious or secular 5 th /6 th pillar of Islam. 10
Concept cont…. As Military Warfare (Qittal) With certain conditions and practice it is termed as Jihad bi-Saif The term Jihad is generally used in fiqh manuals in reference to military combat 11
Quranic View Al-Hujraat Al-Nissa Al-Infaal Al-Tauba 12
Obligatory 13
Preaching Jihad Pickthall O Prophet! Exhort the believers to fight. If there be of you twenty steadfast they shall overcome two hundred, and if there be of you a hundred (steadfast) they shall overcome a thousand of those who disbelieve, because they (the disbelievers) are a folk without intelligence. Surat Al-'Anfāl /65 اے نبی! مسلمانوں کو جہاد کی ترغیب دو۔ اور اگر تم بیس آدمی ثابت قدم رہنے والے ہوں گے تو دو سو کافروں پر غالب رہیں گے۔ اور اگر سو (ایسے) ہوں گے تو ہزار پر غالب رہیں گے۔ اس لیے کہ کافر ایسے لوگ ہیں کہ کچھ بھی سمجھ نہیں رکھتے 14
In Ahadiths, Reference 1: Hazrat Abu Qatada (RA) Muslim,Kitabul Amara,Bab min Katal Fi Sabillillah Reference 2 : Hazrat Abdullah bin Masud (RA) Bukhari, Kitab ul Jihad, Bab Fazlul Jihad. 17
Objectives as described in Quran According to verses [Qur'an 8:39] The Qur'an implies two objectives: 1. Uproot fitnah (فتنة) 2. Establish supremacy of Islam in the world 18
Objective of Jihad 19
Aim/Objective of Jihad To be Purified of sins To attain true humanity To achieve order peace and harmony within the soul and society
Aim of Jihad 22
Two Elements of Jihad Spreading the Word of God Enjoining Good, Forbidding Evil
Significance of Jihad Fifth pillar of Islamic practice
War in Islam War only when Inevitable, When preaching is prevented, When Muslims are oppressed
Roots of Fundamentalism What is fundamentalism? Theological basis - 9:36, Historical Roots - Colonialism, Resistance and Revivalists movements, Occupied Land Social situation Lack of Education, Poverty, Fragmentation
Various Types of Jihad, its level and Different views 29
JihadSelf Social Economy Finance Distribution of Wealth PenEducationQittal War Economy LisanMedia Jihad is an Economy
Various Types of Jihad Jihad bil Maal Jihad bil Qalum (pen) Jihad bil Saif (Qital) Greatest is Jihad bil Nafs (Jihad-e-Akbar) While returning from Battle of Hunain The holy Prophet said “ we came from Jihad-e- Asgher to Jihad-e-Akbar 31
Jihad bil-ma’al Wealth is given by Allah and it should be spent in His way Necessary source for every Jihad If everyone cant participate physically, they can participate financially 32
Jihad bil-Qalum (Pen) To fight with pen Against ignorance, Illiteracy, Social evils Mental persuasion for teachings of Islam Superior to Jihad bil Maal 33
Jihad bi-na’fs Fighting with inner self against the evils Because,Rightness of all actions depends on precision of inner-self It means controlling evil desires of Nafs-e- Ammara (Evil Self) Requires the greatest efforts Superior to all kinds of Jihads 34
JIHAD AL-AKBAR The highest kind of jihad is to strive against one's self and restrain oneself from evil desires Quran say's “And those who strive in Our cause. We will certainly guide them in Our paths,For verily Allah is with those who do right.” The Holy Prophet (PBUH) once said “the best jihad is that one does against one's self and desires 35
Jihad bil Saif (Qital) A distinctive feature of Islam Jihad in the form of warfare High honor for Shaheed and Ghazi Option of last resort Concept became debatable in these days 36
Jihad as warfare (Qitaal) In the Qur’an the term used for this form of Jihad is Qittaal The only form of warfare permissible under in Islamic jurisprudence May be declared against : Apostates, Rebels, Violent Groups, Non-Muslim combatants, 37
Rules for Jihad Classical manuals of Islamic jurisprudence, the rules regarding armed warfare are covered at great length. Not killing women, children and non- combatants Not to damage cultivated or residential areas 38
Levels of Jihad Three levels: Personal: That of the soul Verbal: Raising one's voice in the name of Allah on behalf of justice. "The most excellent jihad is the speaking of truth in the face of a tyrant" (Hadith) Physical: Combat waged in defense against oppression and transgression Profoundly misunderstood in today's world 39
Various Views about Jihad Jihad has been classified by sunni scholars as Jihād al-akbar (the greater jihad), the struggle against one's soul (nafs), Jihād al-asghar (the lesser jihad), the external, physical effort, often implying fighting Similar view of the shiite scholars about Jihad 40
Another view The Hanbali scholars believe that "internal Jihad" is important but they suggests those Hadith as weak which consider "Jihad of the heart/soul" to be more important than "Jihad by the sword". 41
When Deen is in Danger 43
When Muslim are in Danger 44
War against disbelievers 45
Principles of Jihad 48
No Retreat 49
No Retreat 50
Jihad as Ebadah 51
No Mischief 52
History of Jihad Driving forces and Issues 53
History Jihad by Holy Prophet-1 st Righteous Caliphate-2 nd Against Zakat refusers, Apostates Umayyad ( )-3 rd -Expansionists Samarqand,Bukhara,Spain,Sindh Abbasid ( )-4 th- Defensive Crusades ( ) 54
Cont…. Ottoman ( )-5 th Mixture Constantinople(1452) Sub Continent-6 th Individual Tarain (1192), Mughals Mysore( ),Balakot (1831) War of Independence,Kashmir(1948 and 1987) Afghanistan(1980s) Present Day Jihad – 7 th Non State Actors 55
Driving Forces Jihad should not be undertaken To gratify one’s whims, nor to obtain wealth and riches To conquer territories and rule them,to acquire fame to appease the emotions of communal support, and hostility On the contrary, it should be undertaken only for the cause of Allah as is evident from the words. As in Qur'an: Those who believe, fight in the cause of Allah, and those who disbelieve, fight in the cause of Satan. So fight you against the friends of Satan 56
Propaganda against Jihad Ad hoc definitions of jihad by West Individuals involved in terrorist activities 'holy war‘ the use of violence, including paramilitary action against persons, governments deemed to be enemies of the fundamentalist version of Islam.” 'violent jihad' or 'jihad' include planning, preparing for, and engaging in, acts of physical violence, including murder, damaging, kidnapping, and hostage-taking. 57
Cont… In West,specially in US the term Jihadist, technically is referred A derogatory term of Mujahid Frequently used to describe militant Islamic groups Not restricted to Islamic terrorism 58
Issues Qital: When does it become obligatory? permission of State required or not Qital: Defensive (Difai) or Offensive (Iqdami)? Qital: Obligatory on all or on few? “Jihadist:” Western attempts at defaming Jihad 59
Conclusion This is one of the fundamentals of Islam and it is a great worship. Adversaries of Islam has restricted this word to the narrow meaning of “war against the enemies of religion. The word jihad contains in itself the broad significant activities striving without which no movement has either succeeded in the past or can succeed in the future. 60
Conclusion A unique worship Ijtihad in essence of Johad is needed Negative propaganda should be countered 61
Objectives 62
The Arabic words for "war" is "harb" or "qital" which are found in the Qur'an and Hadith.
How war is mmentioned in Quran? a.Explains the history of prophets (Jesus, Moses, David, Solomon etc.) 9 verses b.Defines attributes of hypocrites and their betrayals (12 verses) c.Related to spoil of war (3 verses) d.Rules of war (11 verses) e.Defend the country (4 verses)
Don’t make war with who offers peace O you who believe! when you go to war in Allah's way, make investigation, and do not say to any one who offers you peace (4:94) Allah does not forbid you respecting those who have not made war against you on account of (your) religion, and have not driven you forth from your homes, that you show them kindness and deal with them justly; surely Allah loves the doers of justice. (60.8)
Distorted verses But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them, an seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war); but if they repent, and establish regular prayers and practice regular charity, then open the way for them: for Allah is Oft- forgiving, Most Merciful. (9:5)
Peace in Qur’an Peace is repeated 67 times in various meanings 1.One of the name of God: Allah is He, the Source of Peace (and Perfection) (59:23) 2.Salutation from Angels in the heaven
3.Harmony for inner soul : Wherewith Allah guide all who seek His good ppleasure to ways of peace and safety (5:16) 4.Greeting each other as Muslims-Salam 5.An invitation of God- And Allah invites to the abode of peace and guides whom He pleases into the right path. (Yunas:25)
6. Greeting of Jesus, Abraham, John the Baptist etc. 7. Supplication of Abraham Remember Abraham said: "O my Lord! make this city one of peace and security (14:35) 8. An agreement between two sides: O you who believe! When you go to war in Allah's way, make investigation, and do not say to any one who offers you peace (4:94)
War Economy 72
Defense or Economy RankCountrySpending ($ b.)World Share % of GDP, United States China Russia United Kingdom France Japan India Saudi Arabia Germany Brazil World Total
RankCountrySpending ($ Bn.)% ofGDPWorld share (%) World total USA People's Republic of China Russia Saudi Arabia France United Kingdom Germany Japan India South Korea Italy Brazil Australia Turkey United Arab Emirates
Over 1.5 trillion dollars are spent on military expenditures worldwide (2.7% of World GDP) This represents a decline from 1990 when military expenditures made up 4% of world GDP. The combined arms sales of the top 100 largest arms producing companies amounted to an estimated $315 billion in 2006 The arms trade has also been one of the sectors impacted by the credit crunch, with total deal value in the market halving from US$32.9bn to US$14.3bn in 2008
Halliburton’s KBR, Inc. division bilked government agencies to the tune of $17.2 billion in Iraq war-related revenue from The massive payoff is said to have financed the construction and maintenance of military bases, oil field repairs, and various infrastructure rebuilding projects across the war-torn nation.
Veritas Capital Fund/DynCorp Cleverly run fund has raked in $1.44 billion through its DynCorp subsidiary. The primary service DynCorp has provided to the war efforts is the training of new Iraqi police forces. The company is headed by Dwight M. Williams, former Chief Security Officer of the upstart U.S. Department of Homeland Security
the expertise the repair, restore, and maintenance of high-output oil fields into $931 million in Iraq-related revenue from The publicly traded 25,000 employee company’s other specialties include the building and maintenance of schools, military bases, and municipal utilities, such as watering systems