Who wants to be a millionaire? 6 th Grade
Define trade. Trade is the exchange of goods between people.
Who wants to be a millionaire? 6 th Grade
Culture with developed systems like religion and government is called _______. Civilization.
Who wants to be a millionaire? 6 th Grade
To train for a particular kind of work is _________________. Specialization.
Who wants to be a millionaire? 6 th Grade
A surplus is ________________. An extra supply of something.
Who wants to be a millionaire? 6 th Grade
To train plants or animals to be useful is to ______________. Domesticate.
Who wants to be a millionaire? 6 th Grade
The period of time from 12,000 to 6,000 years ago is called what? New Stone Age
Who wants to be a millionaire? 6 th Grade
Agriculture is ______________. The raising of crops and animals.
Who wants to be a millionaire? 6 th Grade
In the old stone age if you hunted or collected plants you were a _______. Hunter-gatherer
Who wants to be a millionaire? 6 th Grade
The use of skills and tools to meet needs is _____________. Technology
Who wants to be a millionaire? 6 th Grade
The home of the Old Stone Age hunter- gatherers was ___________. Border Cave
Who wants to be a millionaire? 6 th Grade
What country was Border Cave located in? South Africa
Who wants to be a millionaire? 6 th Grade
The large mound city of _________________ is on the Carsamba River in Turkey. Catal Huyuk
Who wants to be a millionaire? 6 th Grade
The ruins of Catal Huyuk were discovered in ____ which was a very good year because Mrs. Bernstein was born that year. 1958
Who wants to be a millionaire? 6 th Grade
_____ from ancient times can show us how people lived when there are no written records. Art
You will need to be able to describe the city of Catal Huyuk. Read over pages 53 – 56 in your book. Look at the pictures.
Chapter 3 review is done! Good Luck!!!!!