Do Now – Thursday, August 22 nd Name three geographic features that hindered movement in ancient Africa. Name three changes that occurred from the Paleolithic to Neolithic Ages.
Inspirational History August 22, 1989 – Nolan Ryan is the first pitcher to ever throw 5,000 career strikeouts
Early Man Greatest achievements in human history Invention of tools Mastery over fire Development of language
EARLY MAN OLD STONE AGE/PALEOLITHIC AGE 2.5 million to 8000 BC Hunter-gatherers Nomadic lifestyle Stone chopping tools Equality between men and women as both were responsible for finding food and teaching skills
EARLY MAN NEW STONE AGE/NEOLITHIC AGE 8000 BC to 3000 BC Settled into villages Agriculture to grow crops Domestication of animals
DEFINING A CIVILIZATION 1.Advanced cities 2.Specialized workers 3.Complex institutions 4.Record keeping 5.Advanced technology
ADVANCED CITIES A city is a center of trade and commerce for a larger area
SPECIALIZED WORKERS Abundant food supplies allowed people to become experts at something beside farming
COMPLEX INSTITUTIONS Soaring populations made a system of ruling, or government, necessary Religion became institutionalized
RECORD KEEPING As government, religion and economy became more complex, people realized the need to keep records
IMPROVED TECHNOLOGY New tools and techniques are always needed to solve problems that emerge when large groups of people live together
GROUP WORK! You are going to transition into your groups. Each group will be assigned a particular civilization of the ancient world. Your group will collectively research and define in what ways your civilization is defined as such. All group members MUST return their assigned papers. Answers must be in complete sentences!