Network Embedded Systems Wireless Video Game Controller James DiCicco Rebecca Loeser Dash Winterson Dhinakaran Dhanaraj
What we are doing ● Taking input from a wired game controller and transmit it to a receiver wirelessly.
How we are doing it ● Our game controller will send various signals representing different button statuses to a serial interface on a microcontroller that will then wirelessly transmit the data to a receiver
How the signals work ● The controller uses a 1 wire system to transmit data, called the DATA wire ● The system polls the controller for the current button being pressed, called the polling signal ● Controller then responds with a 33 bit array of signals corresponding to whatever button is pressed, plus a 1-bit stop signal. ● The image below shows the “B” button being pressed
Microcontroller ● We are using the Arduino Mega as our microcontroller due to its multiple hardware serial ports and compatibility with XBee shields. ● The 1-wire system works with multiple button presses as well, where you can simply send multiple “1” signals with corresponding buttons
Data Transmission ● Our project will use XBee wireless controllers to transmit serial data between the microcontroller and receiver ● XBee controllers run on the standard and Arduino handles the rest
Receiver ● XBee controller on the receiving end connected to a serial-to-usb adapter that can then be plugged into any computer and will work as a normal wired controller.