1) Daresbury LaboratoryUK 2) University of LiverpoolUK 3) University of SurreyUK 4) UAM MadridSpain 5) Universidad de SalamancaSpain 6) IFIC ValenciaSpain 7) GSI DarmstadtGermany 8) Universit ät zu KölnGermany 9) IFIN-HH BucharestRomania 10) University of CamerinoItaly 11) University of JyvaskylaFinland 12) University of SofiaBulgaria 13) Royal Inst. of Tech., StockholmSweden 14) IReS StrasbourgFrance Members of the DESPEC Ge array working group 11 February, 2005 GSI, Germany 7 April, 2005 Surrey, UK 4 November, 2005 Madrid, Spain 22 February, 2006 GSI, Germany Meetings
Array of stacks of segmented planar Ge detectors standard geometry cube geometry 24 stacks of 3 planar Ge
Alternative: array of 6/8 Clover detectors
Efficiency VI: different setups E (MeV) Eff (real) P/TEff (tot) E (MeV) Eff (peak) P/TEff (tot) Standard setup Clover setup (6 clovers)