EIS'2007 (Salamanca, Spain, March 22-24, 2007) 1 Towards an Extended Model of User Interface Adaptation: the ISATINE framework 1 Víctor M. López Jaquero, 2 Jean Vanderdonckt, 1 Francisco Montero, 1 Pascual González 1 Computer Science Research Institute (I3A) LoUISE Research Group University of Castilla-La Mancha Albacete, Spain 2 Belgian Laboratory of CHI (BCHI) Louvain School of Management Université catholique de Louvain Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
EIS'2007 (Salamanca, Spain, March 22-24, 2007) 2 1.Motivation 2.Preliminaries 1.Dieterich’s Taxonomy of Adaptation 2.Norman’s Mental Model 3.Merging Dieterich’s Taxonomy and Norman’s Mental Model 4.The ISATINE Framework 5.A Multi-agent Architecture Supporting ISATINE framework 6.Conclusions INDEX
EIS'2007 (Salamanca, Spain, March 22-24, 2007) 3 MOTIVATION Currently, the most widely accepted understanding of the adaptation process comes from Dieterich’s survey of adaptation techniques. Dieterich’s taxonomy suffers from several shortcomings: –it is constrained by only entities (e.g., the user and the system) in each stage of the adaptation process. –it does not handle an explicit collaboration and it is restricted to the execution only. –some of the most relevant issues in the adaptation process such as how the adaptation is specified were left out of the framework. –it is incomplete with respect to the seven stages of Norman’s theory of action.
EIS'2007 (Salamanca, Spain, March 22-24, 2007) 4 1.Motivation 2.Preliminaries 1.Dieterich’s Taxonomy of Adaptation 2.Norman’s Mental Model 3.Merging Dieterich’s Taxonomy and Norman’s Mental Model 4.The ISATINE Framework 5.A Multi-agent Architecture Supporting ISATINE framework 6.Conclusions INDEX
EIS'2007 (Salamanca, Spain, March 22-24, 2007) 5 1.Motivation 2.Preliminaries a.Dieterich’s Taxonomy of Adaptation b.Norman’s Mental Model 3.Merging Dieterich’s Taxonomy and Norman’s Mental Model 4.The ISATINE Framework 5.A Multi-agent Architecture Supporting ISATINE framework 6.Conclusions INDEX
EIS'2007 (Salamanca, Spain, March 22-24, 2007) 6 DIETERICH’S TAXONOMY OF ADAPTATION Adaptation (Adaptability) USER SYSTEM
EIS'2007 (Salamanca, Spain, March 22-24, 2007) 7 DIETERICH’S TAXONOMY OF ADAPTATION Self-Adaptation (Adaptivity) USER SYSTEM
EIS'2007 (Salamanca, Spain, March 22-24, 2007) 8 DIETERICH’S TAXONOMY OF ADAPTATION Some other configurations were considered... USER SYSTEM
EIS'2007 (Salamanca, Spain, March 22-24, 2007) 9 1.Motivation 2.Preliminaries a.Dieterich’s Taxonomy of Adaptation b.Norman’s Mental Model 3.Merging Dieterich’s Taxonomy and Norman’s Mental Model 4.The ISATINE Framework 5.A Multi-agent Architecture Supporting ISATINE framework 6.Conclusions INDEX
EIS'2007 (Salamanca, Spain, March 22-24, 2007) 10 NORMAN’S MENTAL MODEL the user shapes a goal in his mind to reach the goal, the user is forming some intention the intention is turned into a series of actions one action at a time is selected and executed after the action has been executed, the results produced by this action are perceived the results perceived trigger an interpretation in the user’s mind on how the World has changed depending on this interpretation, the user evaluates whether the action he executed matches his initial goal or not
EIS'2007 (Salamanca, Spain, March 22-24, 2007) 11 1.Motivation 2.Preliminaries 1.Dieterich’s Taxonomy of Adaptation 2.Norman’s Mental Model 3.Merging Dieterich’s Taxonomy and Norman’s Mental Model 4.The ISATINE Framework 5.A Multi-agent Architecture Supporting ISATINE framework 6.Conclusions INDEX
EIS'2007 (Salamanca, Spain, March 22-24, 2007) 12 Not considered in Dieterich’s approach NORMAN’S MENTAL MODEL USER INTERFACE ADAPTATION INITIATIVE DECISION / PROPOSAL EXECUTION
EIS'2007 (Salamanca, Spain, March 22-24, 2007) 13 1.Motivation 2.Preliminaries 1.Dieterich’s Taxonomy of Adaptation 2.Norman’s Mental Model 3.Merging Dieterich’s Taxonomy and Norman’s Mental Model 4.The ISATINE Framework 5.A Multi-agent Architecture Supporting ISATINE framework 6.Conclusions INDEX
EIS'2007 (Salamanca, Spain, March 22-24, 2007) 14 THE ISATINE FRAMEWORK The shortcomings identified in the previous subsection lead us to expand Dieterich’s taxonomy by trying to express the adaptation process according to all the Seven Stages of Norman’s model.. It is expected that no adaptation stage will be left out Three entities are considered in ISATINE framework: the user, the interactive system and any third party. Each stage in the framework can be carried out by any of the entities above alone or coordinated by more than one entity. Three types of coordination are considered: –Negotiation : options could be presented by each entity and the final result is negotiated between the entities so as to reach a consensus. –Delegation : when an entity estimates that it does not have information or responsibility enough to achieve the adaptation stage. When the results come back to the requesting entity, this may then decide the final option. –Transfer : this form is the same as delegation, but without any return to the requester.
EIS'2007 (Salamanca, Spain, March 22-24, 2007) 15 THE ISATINE FRAMEWORK The specialization of Norman’s model for adaptation results into the ISATINE framework:
EIS'2007 (Salamanca, Spain, March 22-24, 2007) 16 THE ISATINE FRAMEWORK The specialization of Norman’s model for adaptation results into the ISATINE framework: 1 U, S or a T maintains up-to-date a series of goals to ensure user interface adaptation
EIS'2007 (Salamanca, Spain, March 22-24, 2007) 17 THE ISATINE FRAMEWORK The specialization of Norman’s model for adaptation results into the ISATINE framework: Adaptation request Detection of adaptation need Notification for adaptation request 2
EIS'2007 (Salamanca, Spain, March 22-24, 2007) 18 THE ISATINE FRAMEWORK The specialization of Norman’s model for adaptation results into the ISATINE framework: 3 Specification by demonstration Specification by definition
EIS'2007 (Salamanca, Spain, March 22-24, 2007) 19 THE ISATINE FRAMEWORK The specialization of Norman’s model for adaptation results into the ISATINE framework: This stage specifies which entity will apply the adaptation specified in the previous stage 4
EIS'2007 (Salamanca, Spain, March 22-24, 2007) 20 THE ISATINE FRAMEWORK The specialization of Norman’s model for adaptation results into the ISATINE framework: This stage specifies which entity will ensure a smooth transition between the UI before and after adaptation 5
EIS'2007 (Salamanca, Spain, March 22-24, 2007) 21 THE ISATINE FRAMEWORK The specialization of Norman’s model for adaptation results into the ISATINE framework: This stage specifies which entity will produce meaningful information in order to facilitate the understanding of the adaptation to the other entities 6
EIS'2007 (Salamanca, Spain, March 22-24, 2007) 22 THE ISATINE FRAMEWORK The specialization of Norman’s model for adaptation results into the ISATINE framework: This stage specifies the entity responsible for evaluating the quality of the adaptation performed 7
EIS'2007 (Salamanca, Spain, March 22-24, 2007) 23 1.Motivation 2.Preliminaries 1.Dieterich’s Taxonomy of Adaptation 2.Norman’s Mental Model 3.Merging Dieterich’s Taxonomy and Norman’s Mental Model 4.The ISATINE Framework 5.A Multi-agent Architecture Supporting ISATINE framework 6.Conclusions INDEX
EIS'2007 (Salamanca, Spain, March 22-24, 2007) 24 A MAS SUPPORTING ISATINE FRAMEWORK Why a multi-agent system is used to support ISATINE framework: –Designing of a general technique that supports adaptivity in a flexible manner –Reusing and integrating knowledge with a user interface design method –Support deciding which adaptation could be applied, when they should be applied, etc (reasoning) –ISATINE framework should be able to manage negotiation, delegation, and transferring between the different stakeholders in adaptation process (the user, the system or a third-party) –Natural distribution of computation, which supports the integration of the implemented multi-agent system with exiting services easily
EIS'2007 (Salamanca, Spain, March 22-24, 2007) 25 A MAS SUPPORTING ISATINE FRAMEWORK Goals for User Interface Adaptation Support: –Goals is user’s head Adaptability facilities –Goals kept by the system Expressed by –Partly in the adaptation rules –Partly in the usability trade-off »Modeled using a notation based on I* goal-driven requirements analysis technique 1
EIS'2007 (Salamanca, Spain, March 22-24, 2007) 26 A MAS SUPPORTING ISATINE FRAMEWORK Initiative for Adaptation: –Initiated by the user –Initiated by the system Software and hardware sensors reporting the context of use changes Heuristics based on the collected and the store data –Initiated by a third-party Reporting a specific need for adaptation 2
EIS'2007 (Salamanca, Spain, March 22-24, 2007) 27 A MAS SUPPORTING ISATINE FRAMEWORK Specification of Adaptation: –Specified by the user By demonstration –Specified by the system Specification by computation (refining already existing adaptation rules) –Specified by a third party The main corpus of adaptation rules is supposed to be provided by the designer 3
EIS'2007 (Salamanca, Spain, March 22-24, 2007) 28 A MAS SUPPORTING ISATINE FRAMEWORK Application of Adaptation: –By default the system applies the adaptation Ranking of rules based on rules evaluation No rule is applied that goes against the goals of adaptation –The user can choose which one of the eligible rules to apply Very useful to train the system 4
EIS'2007 (Salamanca, Spain, March 22-24, 2007) 29 A MAS SUPPORTING ISATINE FRAMEWORK Transition with Adaptation: –Make smoother and clearer the transition from to original IU to the adapted one –Increases user confidence in adaptation mechanism –Increases adaptation mechanism productivity 5
EIS'2007 (Salamanca, Spain, March 22-24, 2007) 30 A MAS SUPPORTING ISATINE FRAMEWORK Interpretation of Adaptation: –Sometimes the users are not actually aware that an adaptation has been done, and even what the adaptation was for. This issue can be addressed by using transition stage –The same happens when the user makes an adaptation and the system does not understand why the user wanted to perform that adaptation The user provides a set of keywords describing what the adaptation was for 6
EIS'2007 (Salamanca, Spain, March 22-24, 2007) 31 A MAS SUPPORTING ISATINE FRAMEWORK Evaluation of Adaptation: –An adaptation quality assessment is essential to any good adaptation process, because it should be adaptive itself –Since it is impossible to foresee every combination of factors in the context of use, the system can apply a rule not good enough, or simply it can apply a rule the user dislikes. The user is allowed to undo any adaptation applied This user feedback is injected into a adaptation evaluation mechanism based on a Bayesian approach to adapt the priority of adaptation rules 7
EIS'2007 (Salamanca, Spain, March 22-24, 2007) 32 1.Motivation 2.Preliminaries 1.Dieterich’s Taxonomy of Adaptation 2.Norman’s Mental Model 3.Merging Dieterich’s Taxonomy and Norman’s Mental Model 4.The ISATINE Framework 5.A Multi-agent Architecture Supporting ISATINE framework 6.Conclusions INDEX
EIS'2007 (Salamanca, Spain, March 22-24, 2007) 33 CONCLUSIONS This work was initially motivated by the need to support more than the adaptation execution, which is addressed in Dieterich’s taxonomy. This taxonomy has therefore been expanded according to the Seven Stages of Norman’s theory of action, thus leading to the ISATINE framework for UI adaptation. This framework not only decomposes the whole adaptation process into seven corresponding stages, but it also shows how to decompose each stage into sub-stages depending on the collaboration between the entities involved in each stage. A multi-agent software architecture has been motivated, justified, and defined so as to support the stages of the framework defined
EIS'2007 (Salamanca, Spain, March 22-24, 2007) 34 Towards an Extended Model of User Interface Adaptation: the ISATINE framework 1 Víctor M. López Jaquero, 2 Jean Vanderdonckt, 1 Francisco Montero, 1 Pascual González 1 Computer Science Research Institute (I3A) LoUISE Research Group University of Castilla-La Mancha Albacete, Spain 2 Belgian Laboratory of CHI (BCHI) Louvain School of Management Université catholique de Louvain Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium QUESTIONS?