COMENIUS PROJECT MEETING Different numbers. Same values SALAMANCA 7 to 11 0ctober 2009 Photos : D. LAVOLLEE
2 The project and its partners The Comenius project, Different numbers, Same values is a school partnership project. It includes 6 schools from 4 countries: Austria : Europaschule in Wiener Neustadt Spain : Colegio Maria Auxiliadora in Salamanque France : Martinique : Lycée Joseph Gaillard in Fort de France Metropolitan : Institution du Sacré Cœur in La Ville du Bois United Kingdom : Braunton School and Community College in Braunton Pilton Community College in Barnstaple
3 Meeting’s programme Wednesday, October 7th :Arrival of the delegations Thursday, October 8th : Discovering of the school Friday, October 9th : Teachers’ project meeting Saturday, October 10th : visit of Salamanca Sunday, October 11th: Delegations’ departure
4 Salamanca has inhabitants. This capital of the province of Salamanca is located in Castilla-Léón. She is famous because of the many students that go to the university here.
6 Arrival of the European delegations in Salamanca
8 Colegio Maria Auxiliadora Discovering of the Partner school
9 The reception at school
10 The nursery and the nursery school
12 The « collège » and the « lycée »
14 Teachers project meeting
15 The European educational team at work
16 Each partner introduces his country, his town and his school
Visit of Salamanca with the Comenius group
19 Photos of each delegation
20 The two cathedrals…
21 … and other famous monuments…
22 Visit of the countryside La Alberca, an old village, very flowery, is at m
24 It’s time to say « goodbye » to the host families
25 Some logos made by the students of this project European logo made by a spanish student and selected by the different partners. French logo, made by Julien M., student of the class« 3 ème C» at the ISC.
Pedagogical team during the mobility: Mrs C. Courouneau, teacher of Spanish and Mrs D. Lavollée, teacher of German Translation by students of the classes 3C and 3E : Lucia Livianos Arias-Camison, Laura Simoneau and Aurélie Gibassier. Pedagogical team during the mobility: Mrs C. Courouneau, teacher of Spanish and Mrs D. Lavollée, teacher of German Translation by students of the classes 3C and 3E : Lucia Livianos Arias-Camison, Laura Simoneau and Aurélie Gibassier.