Extra-Credit Opportunities! Extra credit is always available on projects and lab reports for those who go way above and beyond the assignment requirements. You may earn extra credit for participating in a school science club or HOSA. See me if you participate in these. You may also earn extra credit for writing a research paper on a famous scientist or a science issue. You may do as many of these papers as you would like throughout the year!
Your paper must meet the following criteria Must be typed. Minimum of 1 page, double spaced, 12 pt font, w/standard margins Must have a minimum of 3 sources (Wikipedia, “google” yahoo, etc. are not acceptable) Must include a title and reference page Must be your own, original work! Copying and pasting from the web or other sources is plagiarism which is cheating and NOT acceptable!
What do I win? The amount of extra-credit points earned depends on the quality of the work you submit, so do your best!