Pizza Party! You and your friends own a pizza stand. The toppings you offer: pepperoni, mushrooms, Canadian bacon, olives, and pineapple. You’ve received an order for a GIANT pizza to feed 100 people! They requested all the toppings on the pizza, but they don’t want equal amounts of each topping. The giant pizza can’t hold more than 585 toppings. Pepperoni comes in packages of 10. Olives come in packages of 50. Mushrooms come in a can with 25. Pineapple comes in a large can of 75. Canadian bacon comes in packages of 12. Task 1: Distribute the amount of each topping to go on your pizza.
Task 2: Represent they toppings you’ve used in a bar graph. Task 3: How many packages of toppings will you need to buy?
Task 4: Pepperoni costs $1.76 a package. Pineapple costs $2.37 a can. Mushrooms cost $.89 a can. Canadian bacon costs $3.96. Olives cost $.1.19 a can. How much money will the toppings cost? Task 5: If half of the people decide to not come to the party, how will that change the amount of toppings you’ll need? How much of each topping will you need?