MASKS Mask – a full or partial cover for the face which can be made out of any material and may have many embellishments
What will a mask do for you? reveal a variety of designs express a wide range of emotions express the characteristics of another being reveal a culture
Why wear a mask? One reason for wearing a mask is to pretend to be someone or something else. The mask can be a kind of language that expresses the emotion of the figure one chooses to create.
Why wear a mask? Protection – Knights wore masks to scare their enemies. Most war masks have a hideously fantastic features to instill fear into the enemy. Today, masks are widely used as a form of protection. For example, bicycle and motorcycle riders wear helmets to protect their heads from accidental injury.
What kind of roles do masks play? –The role played by masks has been important and throughout the cultural history of the world. – They may represent both natural and supernatural creatures. Masks usually depict either human beings or animals, male or female.
African Masks African tribal masks are often associated with secret societies. Carved of wood and enhanced with other materials. Worn by dancers with elaborate costumes in important ceremonies of harvest, initiation, funerals, or war.
Pacific Masks Ritual – A ceremonial act or a series of such acts Adornment – the action of enhancing the appearance with beautiful objects
What is the shape of the mask? round, square, triangular, or star Proportion – Size or weight relationship among elements Exaggeration – To enlarge or increase to an abnormal degree
American Masks North Coast, United states, Mexico, & South Coast Sculpture: 3-dimensional artwork created by shaping hard or plastic material, commonly stone, metal, or wood
Asian Masks Distortion – to deform something out of its normal shape
Japanese Masks Symmetry - balanced proportions; beauty of form arising from balanced proportions
Paper Mache – A mixture of flour and water stirred to a creamy consistency into which strips of newspaper may be dipped and then used as a sculpturing material MODERN MASKS
Collage – A design formed by pasting of various materials
MODERN MASKS Relief – raised from the surface
Assignment: Create a natural or supernatural mask based on a living being Express the characteristics of another being Use newspaper and plaster paper to create your mask Reveal a variety of designs