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Measures of the Federal Budget Surplus or Deficit, 2000 to 2005 ActualProjected Sources: Congressional Budget Office; Joint Committee on Taxation; Office of Management and Budget. a. Other adjustments include those for unusually large discrepancies between tax payments and liabilities, swings in collections of taxes on capital gains, changes in the inflation component of the government's net interest payments, temporary legislative changes in the timing of revenues and outlays, receipts from the government's sale of assets and from auctions of licenses for the use of the spectrum, and federal outlays for deposit insurance. Measures of the Federal Budget Surplus or Deficit, 2000 to In Billions of Dollars Total Budget Surplus or Deficit Minus: Cyclical Contribution Equals: Cyclically Adjusted Surplus or Deficit Plus: Other Adjustments a Equals: Standardized-Budget Surplus or Deficit Sources: Congressional Budget Office; Joint Committee on Taxation; Office of Management and Budget. a. Other adjustments include those for unusually large discrepancies between tax payments and liabilities, swings in collections of taxes on capital gains, changes in the inflation component of the government's net interest payments, temporary legislative changes in the timing of revenues and outlays, receipts from the government's sale of assets and from auctions of licenses for the use of the spectrum, and federal outlays for deposit insurance.