EOS Terra MODIS Land Processing and Distribution Overview Joseph M Glassy, Director, MODIS Software Development at NTSG School of Forestry, Numerical Terradynamics Simulation Group University of Montana, Missoula Montana USA
Introduction Goal: – describe overall MODIS Processing sequence for Land Product suite from instrument to user –summarize MODIS distribution flows
Generalized Data Flow Terra Platform / MODIS Instrument to… EDOS/White Sands ground station Reston, Virginia, Level 0 ingest Goddard DAAC: L0, L1, L1B processing Goddard MODIS Adaptive Processing System (MODAPS) for Level 2, 3, 4 EROS Data Center DAAC - product ingest EDC Distribution via Web EOS Data Gateway
EOS Terra Overview MODIS: Moderate Resolution imaging spectroradiometer: 36 channel, 3 nested resolutions {250m,500m,1km}, for daily land, atmosphere, oceans global products MISR: Multi-angle Imaging Spectroradiometer. 4 color, multi-angle emphasis MOPPITT: Canadian; measures atmospheric pollution CERES: (Clouds and Earth’s radiance system) measures top-of-atmosphere cloud, energy analysis ASTER: Japan; Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer. Emphasis: high resolution, local & regional earth imagery in 14 colors
EOS Distributed Information System EOS-DIS Components EOSDIS Distributed Active Archive Centers EOSDIS Flight Operations Segment EDOS: EOS Data and Operations Segment SDPS: Science Data Processing Segment SIPS: Science Investigator-led Processing Segment SDVF: Software Development and Validation Facility
Major EOSDIS Sites
Role of Science Compute Facilities (like Univ. Montana SCF) PI led, responsible for algorithm S/W development, test, maintenance SCF algorithms routed to NASA for integration Perform near real time Quality Assurance (QA) Participate in global, regional Validation activities Network: Abilene DS-3 connectivity “Lite” hardware relative to DAACs
Science Compute Facility Resources Network: Abilene DS-3 connectivity to GSFC and to Eros Data Center EDC DAAC Hardware configuration is “lite” relative to Team Leader Compute Facility and MODAPS SCF System Concept: a flow directed, segmented architecture to enhance net through-put
MODIS At A Glance Software lines of code: 377,680, just for Production Generation Executables (PGEs) MODIS data volumes: ca 665 Gb / day… ca 931 MODIS ESDTs, of which ca 50 are Land products... Land mask defines (ca 270) 10-deg tiles, each 1200x1200 pixels (388,800,000 pixels/ESDT) Production uses new Integerized Sinusoidal grid...
Integerized Sinusoidal Grid 10-deg (36x18 tiles globally)
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