June 2011_ M. DEL BRENNAProperty of Prysmian SUBMARINE CABLE INSTALLATION Data required for effective design 13° Meeting of Marine Observation and Data Expert Group, Brussels, June 8, 2011 Marcello Del Brenna CEO Prysmian Powerlink Srl Chairman of the Board, Friends of the Supergrid
June 2011_ M. DEL BRENNAProperty of Prysmian Submarine Cable Installation is done by laying the cable on the sea bottom by using suitable Ships or Barges, that can accomodate the cable on board. Submarine Cable Protection against potential aggressors like fishing gear and anchors is often required. This is mainly achieved by buring the cable or by other protection method. The selection of the best installation and protection method requires reliable information and data. Among those: Cable route at shore ends and at sea, Bathymetry, morphology and nature of the seabed Cable protection requirements, Expected installation period, Permitting (planned developments along the route, marine delimitations, permits and regulations, working windows, flora and fauna protected areas), Other utilities along the route, Offshore and onshore activities and hazards. Navigation and anchoring areas, fishing activities.
June 2011_ M. DEL BRENNAProperty of Prysmian Desk Top Study & Marine Survey The Desk Top Study (DTS) and the Marine Survey will provide the majority of the needed information for cable installation and protection. The DTS will collect all available info relevant to planned developments along the route, permits and regulations, working windows, flora and fauna protected areas, other utilities along the route, offshore and onshore activities and hazards, navigation and anchoring areas, fishing activities. The output of the DTS is a preliminary cable route that will take into consideration all restrictions above indicated and that will be used as a basis for the marine survey. The Survey will provide information regarding: Bathymetry, morphology and nature of the seabed Seabed and sub-bottom soil composition Location and depth of utilities to be crossed The output of the Survey is the basis for the final cable route and relevant survey maps for engineering and installation.
June 2011_ M. DEL BRENNAProperty of Prysmian Marine survey – Typical output of marine survey Survey map Bathymetry Rendering
June 2011_ M. DEL BRENNAProperty of Prysmian Typical cable protection requirements from a risk analisys The minimum cable protection by burial is a function of the type and frequency of the hazards present along the cable route.
June 2011_ M. DEL BRENNAProperty of Prysmian Cable route to avoid anchorage area Final cable route
June 2011_ M. DEL BRENNAProperty of Prysmian Cable lay in protected sea-grass areas Cable routing to avoid protected sea-grass area where possible Cable fixation and no burial to limit disturbance Cable route